Mad Harry Rackham
Aggressively Mediocre
Just a dad playing video games and making art.
Dan Tucker
2024 Called It! (12)
I came here to chew bubble gum and play video games, and I got some bubblegum right here.
S3 Event Winner
Old age doesn't have to be dull and boring, it can be frantic and dramatic... Just play Rocket League
boosh gadoosh
I'm Feeling Lucky (2)
Irrational fear of whales and never enough time to game. My younger self would be ashamed.
S9 Event Caster
Francophone, Father, Gamer/Geek/Nerd/Lego/Public Transit. Former Canadian Member of Parliament,
Former Board of Director @Variety_Ontario
Coach Roo
Head of Rocket League
Co-Owner and Coach for Faded Esports
Dad Gamer of two amazing kids.
TDG & C3 Caster