James O'Connell (@floyd6124)
James O'Connell Go Birds
Joel Willis (@joel)
Designer, Developer, Founder of Channel 3. I love video games.
Josh Sneed (@joshsneed)
Seen on ComedyCentral & DrybarComedy Owner: CincyShirts, OldSchoolShirts, InTheClutchCom #GoReds #WhoDey
Andy Brownfield (@crackityjones)
Andy Brownfield Here since Season 0
Tyler Stevens (@papaab)
Tyler Stevens S1 Event Winner
Rocket League/Apex player. Streamer @papaab on Twitch... Hope to see everyone around. Love you all
Dan Tucker (@dan)
Dan Tucker Go Birds 2025
I came here to chew bubble gum and play video games, and I got some bubblegum right here.
Bucket (@bucket)
Father | RL GC | Dev | Coach | Caster | Divergent Thinker | The Funnier Co-Host of The Bucket & Hoosier Show
MrHoosier (@mrhoosier)
I am a Husband, Father, and Average Gamer.
Brent Davis (@brentdavis)
Brent Davis Alpha Dog
Husband, Father, Gamer
News (@news)
The official gaming NEWS curation account for Channel 3
Clips (@clips)
The official gaming CLIPS curation account for Channel 3
Memes (@memes)
The official gaming MEMES curation account for Channel 3
Brian McGuinness (@laughatbrian)
Brian McGuinness A little TOO Raph
Funny comedian & amazing voice actor. Host of Playable Characters Podcast. https://linktr.ee/BrianMcGuinness
daddyMANG (@daddymang)
daddyMANG Rosey
Father. Gamer. Rocket League is life. NJCAAE Spring 2023 National Champion Madison College "Wolfpack" Titletown eSports Professional Caster
Megan Rosenbaum (@meganrosenbaum)
Megan Rosenbaum
EnderPhoenix (@enderphoenix)
“The very existence of flamethrowers proves that sometime, somewhere, someone said to themselves, 'You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I’m just not close enough to get the job done.” - George Carlin
Winky the Clown (@winky)
Winky the Clown
Channel 3 (@channel3)
Channel 3 Official
The gaming social network
Phil Glassner (@then3rddad)
Phil Glassner Founding Member
Married, Father of 2. I make memes and weld for money. I play video games and cook for fun.
Joob (@joob)
Dad, RPG Addict, Trivia guy.
 Mamba (@blockmamba)
Love God. Love my family. Love games.
trashdoc16 (@trashdoc16)
Just a trash gamer who occasionally does something.
RyanMac (@mariomaestro)
I used to be good at videogames.
White Thunder (@whitethunder)
You don't have to be the best, just be YOUR best
GeoDad (@geodad)
TootsLaRoo (@tootslaroo)
 theAld3n (@alden)
I make a lotta noise with guitar and pedals and call it ambient music. V casual gamer with a bad dad joke habit.
NannerB (@nanner)
Love God, Love Others. Dad of 3 beautiful kids with one on the way! Sports Gamer. SKOL! Rocky Top! Go Cubs Go!
Blitz (@blitz)
jayrome727 (@jayrome727)
jayrome727 Turbo (18)
Brandon Aspinwall (@basaints)
Brandon Aspinwall
Wuhtt (@sdnassiff)
TheHarryEagle  (@theharryeagle)
TheHarryEagle Founding Member
Just a dude trying to make it in the world of streaming. Family Friendly Streamer. Just switched from FB Gaming to YouTube.
LegoDad (@legodad)
Guardog77  (@guardog77)
Guardog77 Rosey
Toolbox_Got_U (@tlbx76)
Mark Borison (@themarkening)
Actor. Director. Generally likeable. Host of the top 100 food podcast, The Jungle Jim's Podcast for Jungle Jim's International Markets.
Steve (@elmundo360)
Console Gamer, Current Gen and retro collector 🇬🇧 slowly starting to create content...
bay391 (@bay391)
geterist (@geterist)
Bammonty (@bammonty)
VoiD (@jonesbroneson)
Pringlessss (@pringles)
Pringlessss Caught 'Em All
Doug Jenkins (@dkjenkins)
Doug Jenkins
AUGUST 4TH 1944 (@fryyy0780)
qmo87 (@qmoran87)
yeah, im qmo87
jtobes52 (@jtobes52)
Timdogg23 (@timdogg23)
BajaTone(Lord-Saura) (@fatihbaha)
Zoomie2009 (@zoomie2009)
Dos Andres (@dosandres)
Dos Andres Go Birds 2025
Xenial gamer who will try any game. Laughs at things most are worried about getting canceled over. Lighten up it could be worse. Dad and Veteran.
Dad and the lords of the underworld (@bakedad986)
Dad and the lords of the underworld
Chris (@nofriendo)
MrsBuzzsaw87 (@bgassman10)
mistermez (@mistermez)
mistermez Founding Cr3w
Yo, I’m Mez and I work in the nonprofit industry in addition to moonlighting as a twitch streamer. I play mostly Nintendo classics with a hard focus on Mario and Pokemon challenge runs. I also say I’ll play Mario kart a lot and then forget I said I would. Sorry.
Onceforever Games (@onceforever)
Onceforever Games Turbo (Common)
Hexan_Decimal (@hexandecimal)
migzzz (@migzzz)
What Are Your Three? (@whatareyourthree)
What Are Your Three? Podcast Power
AJG (@ajgthegreat)
DorsalFinGames (@dorsalfin)
DorsalFinGames PC Master Race
Handsome bearded streamer that loves to play simulation and fps games. And a big love hate relationship with League of Legends
sirblazing420 (@sirblazing420)
sirblazing420 Tuesday RL Champ
rabidtacos (@rabidtacos)
greybeardactual (@greybeardactual)
kittymcskittles (@kittymcskittles)
Coach Roo (@roorl)
Co-Owner and Coach for Faded Esports Dad Gamer of two amazing kids. TDG & C3 Caster
mario (@mario)
luigi (@luigi)