Flappy Souls
Hello! I'm the dev of flappy souls, it's great to see people who played and talked about it here, I thought it would be a game that no one would play much honestly, this was a little project that I enjoyed doing, sometimes I think about bringing some updates but that's it, thanks for testing this little game lol
9/3/2024 - 9/3/2024
Flappy Souls
I want to get out the NES Zapper and shoot the bird
Flappy Souls
When the event started where this game was introduced to C3, I called Flappy Souls a tragedy of a game.

My take has changed since putting hours into it. It's really not that bad. The music fits the theme and it's...moving? I guess that's the right word for it. The cadence for getting the baseball cap wearing, duck hero to fly the way you'd like is hard to pick up. Even if you do get it right, you find the constant changing landscape and odd soundtrack to be the perfect villain to a game that requires rhythm and timing. You may make it through four dozen pillars in one turn and then hit the first or second pillar for the next two dozen attempts in a row.

What really changed my mind about this game was the metrics and stats. The "level" isn't your typical video game level, you don't go to new boards and you certainly don't "level up", it's more like a tracker for your level of patience with the game itself. The longer you play and the more attempts you make the less you dislike the sight of it on principle alone. You get to appreciate the complexity of a game that seems like it should be so simple. The souls that you collect aren't prizes to be won, they are distractions that throw off your game and you get reminded of how many times that has happened every time you go back to the start screen. This is light masochism in video game form.

I'll probably keep playing long after the high score event is over just to see if I can keep improving.
Flappy Souls
Even better than Dark Souls - you're a duck with a hat. Can you play as a duck with a hat in Dark Souls? No. Also, you get to keep your souls when you die. A+
Flappy Souls
Flappy bird, but with epic music that continues to taunt me.
Flappy Souls
It's flappy bird. You play a couple of times and that's really all you need to do before uninstalling it.
Joel Willis

