fivepointeo (@fivepointeo)
Dan Tucker (@dan)
Dan Tucker Go Birds 2025
I came here to chew bubble gum and play video games, and I got some bubblegum right here.
Nate Russell (@russdawg87)
Nate Russell Founding Cr3w
Father of 4. Business teacher for both high school and undergrads. Football and now eSports coach. Lover of all things baseball. Devoted ChiSox and Denver Broncos Fan.
ohtwotwo (@ohtwotwo)
father of 3. veteran. 6x Kart Gangs Champ. 4x Mario Golf Champion. Mario Battle Golf Champion. Group B Champion. Probably time trialing...
Joel Willis (@joel)
Designer, Developer, Founder of Channel 3. I love video games.
White Thunder (@whitethunder)
You don't have to be the best, just be YOUR best
 Mamba (@blockmamba)
Love God. Love my family. Love games.
Mason Thibodeau (@mase)
Mason Thibodeau Here since Season 1