Falkrons (@falkrons)
What is the best Free to Play game on the market?
"Even though I bought into it in 2015 I still love this game today and now its FTP, its freakin amazing"
Rocket League
Show off your ride.
"Almost 900 wins in this lovely. Ever since I got this dropped I've been rocking it!"
Double it and give it to the next person.
"ill keep trying, but just in case :-)"
Which flavor of ice cream is best?
"This is biased :-p...where is the chocolate!!!!! hehe"
Mint Chip
Gaming Photography: Season 5 Week 1
"Just getting this and it's super awesome! Going to be taking up a lot of my time in the near future."
Super Mario Maker 2
Will the Nintendo Switch become the best selling console of all time?
"Yes, coming from someone who switched back to pc after the 4th gen consoles I've picked up three...no 4 switches for my family. They are powerful enough to play games with decent fidelity and optimized games are sick on the oled screen. It's a really good system!"
Light mode
Show off your ride.
"Takumi RX-T all the way."
Pick Your Pro Controller
"I like both ps5 and switch controllers, just depends on what I'm doing really."
Playstation 5
Happy Anniversary Rocket League!
"I purchased RL on Aug 8th, 2015, played 563.2 hours and am kinda sad I haven't played more. This has been a staple game for me since it came out absolutely love it!!! Also side note, wonder why the discrepancy between my Steam hours and the career hours in the game. "
Thank @joel
"This is really awesome @joel. Thanks for putting the time and effort into creating this community. So much effort, thought, energy, and love went into this, thank you!"
How did you get your gamer tag?
"I actually sat down and took time to roll through ideas and started putting letters together and figuring out what sounded good (that wasn't taken lol). I got serious about this in 06 for WoW and have never looked back!"
Would you rather: Fortnite or Mario Kart 8?
What is your favorite fighting game?
"It's a toss up for me on this or killer instinct. I played Budoki a lot with a great group of friends. But KI was my first real fighting game and well you never forget your first!"
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai
What is the first game you played with your significant other?
"Well not with her, but she played...she dosent play games :-("
Elite Dangerous
Does beating a game on "Easy" difficulty count as truly beating the game?
"NAW! Only for first time gamers or kids who are way to young to understand what they are playing."
Night mode
What is your IRL class?
"Project manager...aka Dungeon Master :-)"
Digital or Physical
"This is hard because of the convenience. The biggest downside with digital is that you actually don't "own" anything. If the servers, or system, or platform disapear for that content so does the access to the copy. I can pict up my game card for killer instinct and play on my gameboy to this day. There is safety and security in owning something that can't be taken away."
It's a no from me dawg.
"I played once or twice but just couldn't get into it. I don't have anything negative against it, just a nofo me. :-)"
League of Legends