Streamer dashboard (0)
Everyone who RSVPs to the event, has a Twitch link on their Channel 3 profile, and is live during the event will be shown here.

Cincinnati Esports Winter Season
Cincinnati Esports
67 going, 0 maybe, 0 no
Welcome back to another season.

Rule set:
3 Stock
Time: 5 minutes
Items: off
Stage selection: Pokémon Stadium 2, Small Battlefield (new!), Battlefield (new!)
Stage hazards: off
Spirits: off

Match rounds
Each match will consist of multiple rounds. The number of rounds will be the max number of players on a team. So if Team 1 only has 3 players but Team 2 has 6 players, there will be 6 total rounds. The team with less players will have selected players play two rounds.

Score entry
Be sure to enter all scores or submit your score sheet to Joe and Joel. Record the stock score (for example, 3-2) and which player played that round for each team.

Other stuff
Get with Joe for any roster updates
Players can fill this out and we'll customize your profile:
Players can log in and personalize their profiles on their own too

Let's have some fun, try out best, and show good teamwork and sportspersonship.

Event Commissioner
Reach out to this person with any questions about the event
  • Teams of 6
  • SAME teams each round
  • 7 Rounds