Season 9 ends in 279977 seconds...
Channel 3 Championship Series: SUPER SMASH BROS (2s)
11/26/2022 03:30 PM EST
Channel 3 Championship Series
20 going, 5 maybe, 7 no
Next up in the Channel 3 Championship Series: Super Smash Bros Ultimate!

We'll hold a 1s tourney on 11/12 9pm EST. And a 2s tourney on 11/26 9pm EST. Please RSVP. And stay tuned for more details.

  • Have fun and try your best :)

  • Only registered Channel 3 users should play

  • Make sure your Nintendo Friend Code and Nintendo Display is listed on your Channel 3 profile

  • No teaming (except in 2s tourney)

  • Teams of 2
  • teams each round