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Enter the Matrix
Enter the Matrix
Must have enjoyed it as I completed it but all I remember now is THAT cut scene! For that alone it was 4*
Enter the Matrix
Played the game and had fun being part of the Matrix especially since I was obsessed with the movie. I swear I walked out of the that theater and didn't know what was real and wasn't and had no way to prove either. Although from what I vaguely remember I felt like I was going in circles and never accomplishing anything in the game. Probably because I was using lots of cheat codes. Also if you played this game don't act like you didn't play to see that (in)famous cut scene. Super risque for the time.
Enter the Matrix
Most games based on movies didn't live up to the hype. This was different. Not only was gameplay fantastic, you interconnected with the rest of The Matrix universe so it was like you were part of it.

I will say this was one of the few games I did use cheat codes because it gave you more abilities so I could be The One. :)
Enter the Matrix
The game is okay and enjoyable, but the real fun came from putting in the unlimited focus cheat and being able to actually fight an agent.
Mason Thibodeau