One of my buddies bought this for me so we could play it together, and while it is an experience, and a lot of fun, it's also pretty annoying and maddening. I will illustrate that as thus: You have to eat to stay functional, just like in real life, and one of the food items you can get is like, meat patté in a little cup, and to eat it, you have to first hold down right click to bring forth the little cup, then you have to left click to prepare to pull the top off, then do a left hold to pull it, then re-left-hold to actually scoop the beef out and put it in your mouth, and it's like, "Yeah I get you're trying to make it realistic, but is that the fun part of the experience? I'm gonna pay money for trying to figure out which click opens which stage of packaged food?"
Also, compared to a game like 7 Days to Die, there aren't really that many zombies. Like, you can walk for 15 minutes and not see a zombie, so how exactly did society collapse? If the controls weren't such a butcher-job, I'm pretty sure my buddy and I could clear the map out and become president and just move on. Oh - that's a good point - the map is huge, which makes it fun. Also there's no in-game map, which makes playing co-op nearly impossible, because it takes literally an hour to figure out where you are, and meet up with somebody.