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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Destiny 2
RIP Stadia. This is the platform that rekindled my love of gaming. I bought in hard to the promise of cloud gaming, and Stadia for me lived up to that promise. I played 800+ hours of Destiny 2 alone, often times on my phone on the toilet. I played AAA games on my phone. Blew my mind. Because of Stadia I reconnected with my brothers who live across the country for weekly Wednesday night gaming nights. My sole complaint was the lack of games. If Google had made the effort to get AAA new releases and supported them on the back end with gaming PC quality, I would have followed it to the ends of the earth.
Game Boy Advance SP
My experience with the Gameboy Advance SP comes only as an adult, but I'm slowly catching up on everything I missed. It's a major improvement over the Gameboy Color I had as a teen and adolescent, like holding a SNES in the palm of your hand. The biggest dings against it are the lack of an integrated headphone slot and the relatively weak back light, though it's still a massive improvement over the OG GBA's screen.