Speak up
Install the communication module on Nougat
Gears in motion
Turn on the furnace for the first time
First bar
Create your first chocolate bar
Your first order
Complete your first order
Warm and cozy
Keep the furnace working for 10 minutes
Fix a machine
An apothecary's precision
First purchase
Buy something for yourself
On wheels
Install the movement module on Nougat
It's getting hot in here!
Keep the furnace working for 60 minutes
A little oopsie
Create something inedible
A choco startup
Create 10 chocolate bars
Noted by critics
Time to go!
Make your first timed order
A chocolatier's dozen
Complete 12 orders
Local business
How much is it for?
Sell your first chocolate in the vending machine
Luxury goods
Use custom chocolate designs and packaging
Proper manufacture
Create 50 chocolate bars
Country's representative
Master melanger
Fully upgrade your melanger
What a topping!
Add the first toppings on a chocolate
Praised by critics
Top of the industry
How many calories is that?
Complete an order for 8 chocolates
Watch out!
Talk of the town
Make a chocolate for each character
Control your temper
Fully upgrade your tempering machine
Keep pouring!
Add 30 toppings on chocolates
Do you sell in bulk?
Sell 30 chocolates in the vending machine
Oasis of peace
World famous
Respected by critics
Product designer
Save 10 shapes and 10 package designs at once
Will you measure my time?
Make 15 times orders
Do you need a shipper?
Waterfall topping
Miss popular
I am speed!