Billy Okun (@brokun89)
Father, Husband, Family Man, Texan in New York, Army National Guard Officer, Competitive Smash Ultimate Player, Retro Game Collector.
Mega Man Zero
This game was truly a masterpiece. Still bringing the hard difficulty but making Zero just seem even more powerful than ever before. Beating this on the hardest difficulty to unlock Ultimate mode felt like one of my best gaming achievements. I also wish I could talk about the plot without spoiling it 🤐
Mega Man X4
Absolutely one of the best Mega Man X games. I felt that it brought it back to a simpler formula for weapons and abilities since X3, while also an awesome game, seemed like it was becoming a bit complex. Also being able to actually play as Zero in the game and not just as an “extra” made it feel like X and Zero were at equal strength
Golden Sun
An unsung hero of JRPG’s. One of the Game Boy Advances’ best games, amazing score, unlimited possibilities for equipping Djinn, wonderful graphics, just an awesome game. A must play for any RPG lover
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
There’s a reason “Ultimate” is at the end of this game. Sakurai went all out to try and make this as if it was the last ever Smash game. Having all the characters (even the lazy Melee clones) and giving them their unique twist. Including a massive story mode which includes spirits from loads of games to pay tribute since everyone has dreams of what character they want in the game. Loads of music from all the games, and you just have a masterpiece. Also its just right in the competitive meta: easy to learn but hard to master, and while there are tier lists of characters, you can learn any character and still be viable with them, whereas in Melee (and I loved Melee, don’t misunderstand) people can just glitch their way to victory, and only a fraction of the characters were any good.

Oh, and because Sakurai gave me Richter from Castlevania this is an auto 5 stars. At that rate he could have included Barney the Dinosaur and God knows what else, and I’d still be happy. #thankyousakurai
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
This is a game anyone must play. Another example of deviating from its original style (but not too much since Simon’s Quest already did that) but proving that Castlevania can be more than just a linear game. Everything that was wrong with Simon’s Quest is fixed and made even better. Amazing score and gameplay, and as cheesy as the dialogue is it makes the game worth playing. Up there in GOAT games
Kingdom Hearts
I hate to admit it, but when this game first came out I didn’t want to play it. The thought of combining Disney and Final Fantasy just sounded like a crime to me. Well, my wife and other friends swore by it and so I played it for the first time on PS4 a few years ago, and, well, I was wrong. And I am happy to be wrong. This game’s story, music, and battle system was amazing in every way. Definitely going to play it with the kids again when they get older
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game
A hard but oh so enjoyable game. Alot of these games may try to be “quartersuckers” but I eventually learned the timing of this game, and beating it as a kid on my own felt like a tremendous achievement
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3
One of the best Dragon Ball Z fighting games to exist, period. Budokai 1 and 2 were good, but 3 took all of what made them great and combined them into something even better
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
A true classic and must play for any Zelda fan. Both the huge overworlds and being able to traverse back and forth made this game so replayable and fun. The music was also very good
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
Not my favorite Castlevania game for sure. But it was their attempt of trying to bring the RPG style weapons and upgrades that was perfected in Symphony of the Night and the other games on GBA and NDS. Also, this game is the reason the amazing Bloody Tears exists.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
I gotta admit: when I first played this game I hated it. But the truth was that I sucked and got stuck in the Deku Tree. But when I was older and tried again, I appreciated and saw why this game holds a close place in the hearts of Zelda and N64 fans.
Whether or not it’s the Godfather of all shooter games, we all owe something to Doom. Most of my time was admittedly spent with cheat codes until I became brave enough to beat the game without them. Still a tough game
Chrono Trigger
A beautiful RPG that was ahead of its time. Going through different parts of time and how every character had their contribution to the story, and being able to change events and certain things in other times, shows how intricate and wonderfully crafted this game truly was.
Batman: Arkham City
This game was flawless, hands down. A perfect example of taking everything great about Arkham Asylum and making it even better than it already was. Perfect
Kirby's Adventure
As much as I also love Kirby’s Dream Land, this is the game that, in my opinion, stands out as Kirby’s defining moment. The joy of taking your enemies’ abilities for yourself, and what felt like a countless amount as a kid, made this game one of my favorites
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
This was a game I poured countless hours into. A tribute to all of Zelda’s past and a great game on its own merits. It teaches you to always win and solve your problems with what you have and to never get too attached to any one weapon, whereas in most RPG’s we always look out for the “best” weapons and armor and magic. Some will hate this, but it shows that you always have to be prepared. Watching videos of people finding new ways to travel super fast and doing unique kills will always make this game entertaining.
Gears of War
This games stands out to me as more than just another shooter. Fighting against a subterranean army of savage yet sentient beasts, knowing you’re the last ones standing, and the fear of trying to not get slaughtered by a Berserker, this game drove me in many ways. Its sequels are also good, but this game brought out a unique experience I don’t often have with shooters. And of course, nothing beats the satisfaction of killing with the chainsaw bayonet
God of War (2018)
Definitely a must have for your PS4, whether or not you’ve played the previous God of War’s. This game takes a huge risk by deviating from its predecessors with how different the gameplay is, as well as changing Kratos into a sympathetic character, but the execution is amazing. Let this game be proof that sometimes taking major risks in life can be worth it.
Super Mario Bros. 3
No matter how many times Nintendo reinvents Mario, this game was ahead of its time and to this day can be played over and over again. This game bounds with so much to offer after its first two predecessors. A must play for any gamer