BadIntel (@badintel)
I was the Dadmin for The Dad Gaming. Now that that's no more, I'm somewhat passively helping with Pixel Perfect Parenting, but IRL I parent two crazy little girls, and dispatch security at our local hospital 😄
The Dennis Proposition: Road Trip Companion
"Sephiroth wouldn't take up too much space. Ganondorf is big, bulky, would always be pushing my elbow off the center console, and he just looks like he smells weird so we'd always have to have the windows down."
Favorite February Release
"I'm only gonna scroll so far through the list to see what was released every February, lol. This is my current jam, though @star-wars-republic-commando and a couple others (forgot them now, lol) are strong contenders for overall February favorite. Also, FOR DEMOCRACY"
Helldivers II
Play Stands #333
"I don't get it, lol Strands #333 "Stopping by woods on a snowy evening" 💡🔵💡🔵 🔵💡🔵🔵 💡🔵🔵🔵 💡🟡"
The Game? You Just Lost It
Thumbs Up
Best of 2005
"It's between this and Pokemon Emerald, I'd say. This game rocked 🤘🤘"
Star Wars: Republic Commando
Weekly Challenge?
"Essentially *any* of the end of mission stats could be a challenge"
Helldivers II
Most post 1UPs received
Power On
Metroidvania Treatment
"It could.... work?"
Helldivers II
Switch 2 thoughts
"The new joycon connections look so slick, and being just a smidge larger than Switch 1 is nice."
2025 Release?
Metroid Prime 4: Beyond
Anyone have a mic?
"Depends. If im at home and in a situation I can? Sure, though some games like COD I only do VC with people I know. If I'm at work or in a situation I can't be loudly chatting, VC stays off and I either just go along with what the team is going or use voiceless communication methods (pings, emotes, or if it's a team of followers, just going for my goal and hoping they figure it out 😂"
2025 games completed goal
January XP leaderboard
Introvert vs Extrovert
"I used to be off the charts introvert. Now I'm probably about 70/30 (maybe 60/40), leaning toward introversion still."
Ideal AAA Playtime
"If it's too long I'm probably not gonna finish it (character flaw)"
What track mods should I try?
"Green Hill Zone"
Endless High Score
Most Target XP
What's Worse? Mortal Combat or Mario Cart?
"Kart with a C takes all the playfulness out of the name. Kombat with a C would be fine, because there is no play there, only death... 💀😂💀"
What are you Playing? 2025 Week 1
"Been divin' this weekend. Finally hit level 15 and unlocked the 500kg bomb 💥"
Helldivers II
First Video Game of 2025
"Was working an extra shift overnight I picked up at work, so hopped on this bad boy periodically 😄"
Helldivers II
Original Meme of the Week: Season 10 Week 13
"Danger close, for democracy? (Big fan of the 380mm orbital strike 🫢)"
We're Brawl Stars Now
"Fun 😅"
What are you currently playing on Xbox Game Pass?
"Been burning through MP matches on the weekend during slow times at work. I still really suck, lol"
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6
Choose Your Verse
"Isaiah 43:2 The last line of this is on my Warhammer 40k purity seal tattoo 😊"
Most ??????? (automated)
"Number of brain cells I have left?"
Quote of the Week: Season 10 Week 5
"The Osyssey by Homer. This is the part where Odysseus and some of his men were trapped in the cyclops Polyphemus' cave. Odysseus tricked him, saying his name was "Noman", so that when they used a giant walking stick they whittled into a spear to blind him, Polyphemus sounded crazy to the other cyclopes saying "noman (no man) has blinded me!". I decided to pick this translation of it up after hearing about a musical concept album in the works (Epic: The Musical) on TikTok. I'm not super into musicals, but listened through all the story that has been done so far (it's really good!) and then wanted to check out the original. Pretty neat read so far 😊"
What are you Playing? Season 9 Week 14
"It's out on mobile now, and I'm addicted 🫢"
15$ library
"Halo ($5), Minecraft ($5), Stardew Valley ($3), Fortnite ($1), and I dunno, Mortal Shell ($1) to try out?"
Rifleman 1st; 2nd……what were/are you?
"I was an 0231 (intelligence specialist). I actually didn't plan to enlist, but I was going through courses for administration of justice (thought I wanted to be a cop, howwwwwww much that trajectory has changed now, lol), and one of the professors had a Marine recruiter guest speak one class. I took the bait (only one from the class who did 😅) and went and talked with him later. I scored high enough on the asvab my recruiter hyped me up and was like "oh man, you can literally do *anything* you want, you'll have all the choices. When I went to MEPS, they told me what they had available was basically a mechanic (I wasn't interested) or recon, so I took the latter (recruiter took me to the unit and talked to the SgtMaj and everything, and he looked at my no-pull-ups self and said "well, you'd better get a top PFT and swim qual before graduation or you aren't coming here". The pressure was on, aaaaaand passed out at the end of the crucible with severe pneumonia (didn't realize I'd had it for at least a few weeks). Got out of the hospital after the weekend stay, was getting lunch at the chow hall when I was stopped by my senior drill. "Qualls, I get the feeling recon isn't for you. I hooked you up. How's sanitation sound? You'll be cleaning out the sh**ters?" *Trying not to die outwardly as I die inside* "Yes sir..." "Well how about Intel?" Of course, I ended up going back to the same force recon unit, just as Intel instead, and like @ohtwotwo said, those rose colored glasses wore off quickly about what that job means 😅"
Call for Backup
"I'm pretty sure the fight is over for most people once one participant pulls a block of dynamite out of their butt "
Original Meme of the Week: Season 9 Week 13
"They crave flesh (Made this after I sliced off half of one of my fingernails today 💀)"
Primary Team up
"Obviously the Reds know the puzzle process. Separate into easily manageable sub-teams with clearly defined duties (edge piece finders/assemblers, piece color/design categorization, general assembly, etc), work on getting the puzzle to that ~60% point where you have the edge completed and at least multiple large segments that can be matched against the box art for proper positioning purposes. From there, it should be pretty smooth sailing for everyone to take what's left and start filling in the blank spaces between what's already assembled. Easy peasy."
Primary Allegiance
Week #100
"Making my way through Squad Busters 😄"
Squad Busters
Original Meme of the Week: Season 9 Week 7
"Dude, I just asked how to open my inventory..."
One Has to Go: Fighting Games
"SF and Tekken are the bottom of my list here. I'd say Tekken ekes out the loss, so bye bye. If Soul Calibur was in its place, I'd have to drop SF"
What is the correct way to eat Ice cream cake?
"I feel like I've only had ice cream cake a few times in my entire life, but I'd use a spoon. As I've gotten older I've realized more and more that I like cake less and like pie more, and I'll eat that with either, but I'll lean one way or the other depending on the type/consistency. More often than not, for desserts like these, I'm probably gonna grab a spoon if given a choice. Even if it's regular cake."
Best Metroid Weapon
"Because screw low health sound effects in old games 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨"
Energy Tank
Survey: Homerun
"Dan for the pic 😄"
What gaming item would be most useful IRL?
"Since some of the first things that came to mind were already posted (portal guns, power up stars), I'm gonna go with a D&D style bag of holding. From the 5e description: "This bag has an interior space considerably larger than its outside dimensions, roughly 2 feet in diameter at the mouth and 4 feet deep. The bag can hold up to 500 pounds, not exceeding a volume of 64 cubic feet. The bag weighs 15 pounds, regardless of its contents." I could carry SO much crap effortlessly."
Fantasy Grounds
Original Meme of the Week: Season 9 Week 5
"If only I was that useful the rest of the time..."
Sunday Funday - July 28, 2024
"Been putting in a frickin fence the last two days. Fun-ish 😅"
Home Improvement: Power Tool Pursuit!
Favorite Looter Shooter
"I love the Borderlands games, and the fact that this one blends in TTRPG tropes makes it even better."
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands
Original Meme of the Week: Season 9 Week 4
"I'll be here, waiting for the inevitable"
What's your favorite memory of The Dad Gaming?
"This isn't an easy one. There's so much I got to experience and be a part of through TDG, it's not a period of my life I'll ever forget. There were plenty of ups and downs, fun times, loss... I can't truly say there was one favorite memory. - The shift from freelancing to working for TDG was nuts, but so much fun. @joel and the Some Spider folks had landed the Planters sponsorship and so I got brought on to coordinate that, and if anything was "boy, that escalated quickly", that would be it. We had all the different tournaments for The Dad Gaming League, but Fortnite itself pulled somewhere between 700-800 participants and we (having no esports experience 😂) had to figure out how to manage multiple waves of people trying to get in and play on a sorta strict timeline. On top of that, we added all kinds of goofy things people could do to win prizes and it was just comedy 😂 - Getting involved with all the charities we did, especially The Cure Starts Now/Nerf Cancer and getting to meet the Varns/Addison - Helping out with the Call of Duty "May Day" event we got to be a part of, volunteering to help fill in if they needed any backfills on any teams, and randomly getting paired with Aidan (who I had coincidentally written an article for on The Dad maybe a year before) and another major streamer. That ended up giving my stream (that I ironically barely use 😬) such a viewer/follower boost that I picked up affiliate on Twitch that month 😅 - Probably one of the biggest things would have to be the Friday Night FUBAR I ran (semi) weekly for the COD subgroup. We couldn't stream it on the TDG channel because the fact we all hung out in one big discord chat and got into 💫antics💫 made the language tend to go a bit off-brand, but we had some of the most fun just doing some crazy custom matches there (oh, and finding people who decided to randomly go AFK in a match, spray paint them, then pose all around them for "group photo" screenshots before molotov-ing everyone 😅)"
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Guess the Game Season 9 Week 4
"Strategy: click game, type in "Dan", select first game where you can read the name "Dan" within it. Let me know where I can select my 3k XP @dan "
Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana
What Game Should Make a Sleep App?
"Rip and tear (through my dreams)!"
Doom (2016)
Original Meme of the Week: Season 9 Week 3
"Welcome to the (third) party, pal"
Ranked or Casual?
"I pretend I can do ranked, and then I get spanked. Casual all the way 😅"
Fueling the console wars
"This was the GameCube special character, right? I didn't pick this one up, but if I did it would've been GameCube or Xbox (which was Spawn, right?)"
Gaming Adjacent Series: Favorite Holiday Movie
"My wife and I like Elf, while my oldest binge watches The Grinch (the one with Benedict Cumberbatch)"
Favorite Class?
"I never played any of them. He just looks neat 😅"
Black Mage
Where are we dropping?
"I think this was where I dropped when I would rarely log in that season? Or around brutal bastion."
Mega City
What motivates you to buy a new video game?
"I rarely buy brand new video games these days. I have Gamepass so if it's on there I might play it when it's new, but a lot of the time I wait till things are on Steam sale if I'm going to pick anything up at all 🫠"
Recommend a Game Boy Game
"I played this as a kid, it's stupid simple but not easy. You're a little dot that has to move around and methodically block out chunks of the screen, but you have to time it so you don't get hit by these ribbon like things flying around the middle, and to keep you from waiting too long there's little spark things that follow along the pathways that'll getcha. You finish a level after graying out a certain percentage of the screen. It's fun 😄"
Original Meme of the Week: Season 9 Week 2
"She's probably a couple years away from hopping on Fortnite with me, but this is the attitude I get with other games, and probably what I'll get with Fortnite as well 😂"
Happy Independence Day
"Went to our city parade this morning, had lunch while all the cousins played, then went with the wife and kids to hang with some friends, swim, eat some meat, drink some (7+) margaritas, and make some stuff "explode" (more aggressively sparkle) "responsibly". "
Pre-Save The Retro Policy
Padawan to the Regional Manager
"Works well with the mission of dealing damage as a damage hunter. Just find a vantage point and shoot at anyone trying to claim a point from my teammates so they can mop up 😅"
What are you Playing? Season 9 Week 1
"Killing some time (and demons) while rocking the napping baby. I know it's not a screenshot, but this was easier to take from the position I'm sitting in right now 😅 yes, I'm playing on easy. Ain't nobody got time for that stress."
Doom (2016)
Original Meme of the Week: Season 9 Week 1
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
"$1.99 or Free.99?"
Mighty Doom
To the Nines!
"From a random mystery set of mini polyhedral dice I got on Saturday. Got an awesome color 😊"
Most XP Earned: Season 9 Week 1
Gaming Photography
"Fun little time killer, discovered it on my trip to CA for a wedding back in May. Not too bad on mobile."
Loop Hero
What are you Playing? Season 8 Week 13
Coffee Golf
Highest CP
"Just here for the XP at this point "
Final Season 8 Ticket Booth Item
"Looking at a tagline and maybe a premium item in these last seconds here."
Thoughts on the Among Us show trailer?
"NOT EVERY GAME NEEDS TO BE MADE INTO A SHOW/MOVIE. That being said..... maybe I'll check it out just to see if it's at all decent. Maybe not. Eh?"
A laughatbrian-level Hot Take
"I keep trying to get into these because everyone says they're so great, but I don't feel like they're any more special than any other long winded RPG, and I can't find the time to make myself sit and go through them to figure out the hype."
Mass Effect Legendary Edition
Out of 10,how do you rate Rocket League?
"7. It's a good game. I'm just no good at it."
What Vehicle Should be Added to Fortnite?
"The mobile pipe organ that is the Warhammer 40k Exorcist tank "
Gaming Adjacent: What Goes on Your Hot Dog?
"Ketchup, mustard, relish, sauerkraut, maybe some jalapenos if I'm feeling spicy, that's for a regular dog. I had one at our farmers market that had like feta, tzatziki sauce, red onions, etc on it, and that was awesome. If it sounds good, throw it on the dog."
"Lol I'm confused "
Rey's Voucher
"I have never played a Luigi's Mansion, though if you wanna play with kiddos, I've heard it's good? Metroid Dread all the way for me. It's intense and fun. Second Metroid game I ever played start to finish, too."
Metroid Dread
Try NYT Connections
"Connections Yeah I'm no good at stuff like this, lol Puzzle #367 🟨🟩🟦🟩 🟨🟩🟪🟦 🟦🟨🟨🟦 🟩🟩🟪🟪"
Best Game Boy Advance Game
"This one or Pokemon Emerald 😬"
Advance Wars
Favorite Variant Skin
"This is the one I've been rocking in Fortnite. It's what it'll be until I get the Fallout power armor, and then it'll be the grind to the Black Knight variant of that "
Share your Hunters User ID
"Oh shocking it's..... BadIntel "
Most Target XP
Take the C3 Feedback Survey
Favorite Chapter 5 Season 3 Vehicle Mod
"Second favorite would be the bulletproof tires. I like coming in hot, switching to the gunner seat, and unleashing chaos with the grenades 😈"
Grenade Launcher
Gamers love saying...
"I'm on my way! (*I'm really looting across the map*) Bonus: *After missing a perfectly lined up shot on an unsuspecting opponent by a mile* "That was just a warning shot""
Original Meme of the Week
"I like the changes... 🤷‍♂️"
Tango Down
"My squad needs me? Help is on the way, dearie! (as Mrs Doubtfire)"
Most Post of the Day Trophies
RGFT: Manuals
"I was never the note taking type, but I've always been the "read the manual" type (my wife regularly tosses manuals for new gadgets we get for the house, whether or not it's mine, because she doesn't have that kind of patience, lol). I would always bust open my games and pore over the manuals front to back, then if it was an exceptionally complicated game I might keep the manual handy for reference, but other than that, they generally ended up just sitting around until they disappeared "
Play a Round of Fortnite
"Another video of me bein a silly goof earlier 😆 I like the new season"
The Dennis Proposition: YouTube Followers
"Little kitty seems more likely to be in tune with things like viral antics and whatnot. I feel like Stray's cat would be a little too melancholic based on where it's from? Stray might have more of the nature adult crowd following it, but little kitty is gonna get the young masses that have all the time to watch all the ridiculous videos it makes. (I've not played either, just what I know of the games, lol)"
Little Kitty
Clip of the Week
"My absolute potato shooting while trying to keep the baby in the carrier asleep "
Most Quests Completed
"Sheesh this is counting up so slowly. I need to step it up "
Assist your Bot
"Sheesh, this is difficult. I do better just trying to score than I do trying to set up a bot 🫠"
Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2 Final Level Check
"This may change as I see if I can grind to the level and stars I need to justify grabbing the BP before it ends to get what I want 😬 First and only game so far this season, blew through 4 levels and pulled my random squad to second place. Apparently the rust wasn't too bad, haha "
2nd Festival Song: Hail to the King High Score
"Yes I took a picture of the Switch screen. I can't get the stupid send to phone function to work right now lol. I've never been the greatest at these, but dang this is a pretty fun mode 😍"
Who did or will you play in Multiversus?
"I didn't play it before, so I don't know any of the abilities or anything. Iron Giant might be fun?"
Iron Giant
Gaming Adjacent: How do you like your steak?
"Depends on the quality of the meat. Usually around medium, but if it's some *chef's kiss quality* meat, I'll go medium rare."
Ask the Cr3w for a Recommendation
"I've found myself playing this on my Anbernic while putting the baby to sleep lately. Such a fun blast from the past, I love how your team's classes/abilities shift based on the djinni you have assigned and set to them, and unleashing the more and more powerful elemental spirits (or whatever they are) in battle as you collect more of the djinni. Throw me a rec! (And yes, @themadbombchu , @baldurs-gate-iii is on my wishlist 😂)"
Golden Sun
What is your favorite Mario Kart 64 course?
"Why wouldn't you pick this?"
C3CS: Character Skin for C3CS
"Had I played? Prob this "
Which is more Valuable?
"Gold bricks look prettier"
Gold Brick
Gaming Adjacent: Drums or Flats?
"Boneless if I'm being honest."
What game video game character would you like as a pet?
"They're pretty handy"
Fallout 3
Guess the next C3CS
"One of these. Hope the stream has the mature rating on "
The Jackbox Party Pack 6
This Dad's Got Game: S8 W7
"Gotta introduce this kid to Fortnite "
Bluey: The Videogame
Poetry in Motion
"Second to the last game of the season, she got a goal!"
Win a Match - Brew Invitational 2
C3CS Smash Week: Who is was your first Smash Bros. main?
"Back in the Smash 64 days, my main was usually Fox or Pikachu. My brother would always go Captain Falcon and those two were my most successful counters to him. In Ultimate, my mains have been PacMan and Sephiroth "
C3CS Smash Week: What was your first Smash Bros. game?
"I was there, Gandalf....."
Super Smash Bros. 64
Add Classic Marathon to your Steam Account
"Done! Never heard of it, guess I'll have to check it out at some point in the backlog "
Most Target XP
"Did I win?"
Sorcerer's Lair High Score
Guess the Game
The Dennis Proposition: Who Would Host a Better Barbeque?
"Look at that tong holding pose. He's got the grill under control."
Simon Belmont
Win a Match - Mocha Classic
Fruit Ninja High Score (Classic Mode No Power-Ups)
"Just here for the XP"
Favorite controller
"The Kishi gets me the occasional game time when I otherwise wouldn't be able to, and my wife surprised me with this replacement when the LB on my last one broke!"
Ragdoll Archers High Score
"Had nearly 500 somewhere but the app didn't save that, so going with this "
Please, not that character
"I haven't played in awhile but just seems like the vanilla option."
What's your favorite gif you currently own on the site?
"I use this one so much "
Animal Friends
"Riley the spoiled old vizsla"
The All Star Bundle
"These three right now mostly because if I had the time to play them and the money to just drop on games, I'd get all three of these and binge the crap out of them "
Whale Bay Time Trial
Favorite "Any Key"
"Console: whatever the bottom button is on the right side. PC: if I'm being specific, I might hit space or enter. Otherwise, it's just an indiscriminate slap of *something*."
Favorite Tagline (April 2024 Update)
"Right now it's this one from last season (think I'm one of three to own it). I did some XP grinding to get this and the Dungeon Master ones before the end of the season. My wife and I recently got an impromptu long drive just us without the kids, and at one point we were talking about our IRL classes, and we 100% agree I'm a lawful good paladin who somehow ended up marrying a chaotic good rogue "
Megaton: Save it or Nuke it?
"I need to go back and actually play this through to the end, but at least as far as I had gotten last time I played, Megaton was still around. Not sure if I just hadn't made it inside Tenpenny Tower yet or what, so I dunno what I would've done given the choice, but I want to say I was running a pretty moral character (except for picking any lock I could find and taking the karma hits if they came 😅)"
Megaton Lives
Favorite book genre?
"For me, this one is a close call between fantasy and sci-fi. I'd say they're actually probably about even, so going with fantasy. Aside from that, I'll read a little bit of horror/thriller, recently discovered I enjoy some romantic fantasy (first one I tried was Paladin's Grace. Not a super deep story, but it has berserker paladins of a dead god, murder mystery, political intrigue, a romance subplot, and I thought it was overall pretty fun), and I learned about this subgenre that would go under either fantasy or sci-fi (depending on the storyline) called LitRPG that's pretty neat where the character(s) have RPG-like stats and abilities and they level up, gain experience, etc as the story goes on. It's entertaining 😄"
Kart Acceleration Choice
Frosty Village Time Trial
Tax Day
"I don't remember the last time I got money *back*, lol. That being said, as much as I'd like something like a Steam Deck, something a little more realistic is probably just waiting to grab either Helldivers II or Baldur's Gate III and finding time when I'm not in survival "find sleep" mode to get some playtime in 😅"
Just checking in.
"It has been a *week*, getting some things figured out for May for work (will be posting more about that soon 😁), dealing with some difficulties with the kiddos, *still* waiting on a response from the three hour zoom call we had nearly 2 weeks ago to determine if we were gonna get assistance with all the therapies for the oldest kid, soccer starting this week for the oldest on top of everything else, and just trying not to implode... But hey, got to watch episode one of Fallout last night and it was actually really well done, so I've got that going for me 😬😅🫠"
Mast3rs Day 2
"Coffee Golf - Apr 12 12 Strokes - Top 50% 🟥🟨🟦🟩🟪 2️⃣3️⃣1️⃣3️⃣3️⃣"
Masters Prediction (2024)
"I don't know anything about IRL pro golfing. I need the "I'm just here for the XP" gif for this one 😅 I'll say Matsuyama since I've seen that name a couple times."
Mast3rs Day 1
"Coffee Golf - Apr 11 11 Strokes - Top 25% 🟪🟨🟩🟥🟦 2️⃣2️⃣2️⃣3️⃣2️⃣"
Gaming Adjacent: What's the GOAT cereal?
"Raisin Bran Crunch is awesome."
Your Dream Gaming Bundle
"I'll have to go with the biggest consensus so far and say a big pack of the Pokemon games"
Pokémon Red and Blue
Bubble Spinner High Score
This Dad's Got Game: S8 W2
"Tried some Minecraft Dungeons out with the kiddo tonight and we actually survived a couple missions! This game is actually pretty fun, not sure why I haven't tried it out some more, lol."
Minecraft Dungeons
(2) The Legend of Zelda: BOTW v (2) Super Mario World
"Could be recency bias. All the older sidescrolling Mario games blend together in my mind. Of the 3d LoZ games I've played, BotW definitely stands out as being very different and memorable."
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Check out the updated "Like a Boss" tagline.
"Lol, uhhhhh, probably best chance is a duel for the worst score for me 😅"
FINE, I'll make my own bracket with blackjack and...
"I went with the top 64 games posted about on C3 (just went to games and sorted by number of posts). Some of these were actually really hard decisions, lol. Though I've not played either of the finalists, I plan to eventually get both, and BGIII won by a hair solely on the basis that I can play it offline on my own if I choose (or need to have the timing flexibility with the kids) 😅"
Baldur's Gate III
(2) Super Mario Bros. 3 v (2) Super Mario World
Super Mario Bros. 3
(2) The Legend of Zelda: BOTW v (5) Super Mario Odyssey
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Play Bejeweled Blitz
Time Zone High Score Challenge
"I tried it out on my Anbernic. Am not a fan of the game 😅"
The Dennis Proposition: Better Prankster?
"Q-bert is just a cranky potty mouth. Pac-Man is popping pills and running from ghosts he thinks are there and are out to get him. For sure that guy will pull some "pranks". Will they all be funny? Not to the receiver. Will they all be safe? Well, considering some of them are probably more schizophrenia-laced, drug-addled attempts at booby trapping the halls to get away from ghosts, I'd say no. Chances of the results of at least some of them being funny? Pretty good, wakawakawakawaka"
RGFT: What's the most iconic retro sound?
"We've had a couple people say the coin sound. I think the pipe sound is also up there 🤔"
Wish Joel a Happy Birthday 2024
"Happy birthday, Joel! Hope the new season launch is going smoothly and it's not turning into a big April Fool's on you! 😅"
10 second clicking game
Guess the Game
"For managed democracy, of course"
Helldivers II
Good bye Season 7
"With the addition of being able to create our own clubs, creating a couple of clubs of my own (where you at @neurogaming and @bookishgamers ) and getting some actual activity/engagement in them, seeing a neat intersection of gaming and other key points of my life/interests!"
(1) The Legend of Zelda: OOT v (2) Super Mario Bros. 3
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
(1) Mario Kart 8 v (2) Super Mario World
Mario Kart 8
(1) Super Mario Bros. Wonder v (2) The Legend of Zelda: BOTW
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
(3) The Legend of Zelda: TOTK v (5) Super Mario Odyssey
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Bugs v Bots
"Still need to get the game, but I'd rather be fighting bugs"
(1) The Legend of Zelda: OOT v (4) Super Mario Bros.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
(2) Super Mario Bros. 3 v (3) Fortnite
(2) Super Mario World v (11) Red Dead Redemption
Red Dead Redemption
(1) Mario Kart 8 v (4) Super Mario 64
Mario Kart 8
What would you prepare?
"I freaking love grilling tri-tip, so probably lots of that 😄"
(2) The Legend of Zelda: BOTW v (3) Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
(1) Super Mario Bros. Wonder v (4) The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
(2) The Legend of Zelda: LTTP v (3) The Legend of Zelda: TOTK
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
(9) Wii Sports v (5) Super Mario Odyssey
Super Mario Odyssey
Heetseeker Defense
Original Meme of the Week Season 7 Week 13
This Dad's Got Game - S7 W12
"Been playing some on the Switch over the weekend with the older one! It's super simple (basically a port of a phone game 😅) but she enjoys trying to swallow all the stuff with the holes 🤣"
(3) Fortnite v (11) Super Smash Bros. Melee
(2) Super Mario Bros. 3 v (10) Super Smash Bros. 64
Super Smash Bros. 64
(4) Super Mario Bros. v (5) Marvel's Spider-Man
Super Mario Bros.
(1) The Legend of Zelda: OOT v (8) Goldeneye
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
(14) Uncharted 2: Among Thieves v (11) Red Dead Redemption
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
(4) Super Mario 64 v (5) Halo 2
Halo 2
(2) Super Mario World v (10) Batman: Arkham City
Batman: Arkham City
(1) Mario Kart 8 v (9) Donkey Kong Country
Mario Kart 8
(3) Super Smash Bros. Ultimate v (6) Pokémon Red/Blue
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
(2) The Legend of Zelda: BOTW v (7) Minecraft
(4) The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim v (5) God of War (2018)
God of War (2018)
(1) Super Mario Bros. Wonder v (9) The Last of Us
The Last of Us
(3) The Legend of Zelda: TOTK v (6) Batman: Arkham Asylum
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
(2) The Legend of Zelda: LTTP v (7) Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales
Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales
(4) Halo 3 v (5) Super Mario Odyssey
Halo 3
(1) Rocket League v (8) Wii Sports
Rocket League
Original Meme of the Week Season 7 Week 12
"@rey over here blowing up our XP, levels, and lobby chat with this bracket."
(2) Super Mario World v (15) Ori and the Blind Forest
Ori and the Blind Forest
(7)Chrono Trigger v (10) Batman: Arkham City
Batman: Arkham City
(5) Halo 2 v (12) Hollow Knight
Halo 2
(3) Baldur's Gate III v (14) Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
Baldur's Gate III
(4) Super Mario 64 v (13) The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
(1) The Legend of Zelda: OOT v (16) Tony Hawk's Underground
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
(8) Goldeneye v (9) Final Fantasy VII
(4) Super Mario Bros. v (13) TMNT IV: Turtles in Time
Super Mario Bros.
(5) Marvel's Spider-Man v (12) Kingdom Hearts
Marvel's Spider-Man (2018)
(2) Super Mario Bros. 3 v (15) The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
Super Mario Bros. 3
(7) Pokémon Heartgold/Soulsilver v (10) Super Smash Bros. 64
Super Smash Bros. 64
(3) Fortnite v (14) Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
(8) Red Dead Redemption 2 v (9) Donkey Kong Country
Red Dead Redemption II
(6) Hades v (11) Super Smash Bros. Melee
(1) Mario Kart 8 v (16) Marvel's Spider-Man 2
Marvel's Spider-Man 2
(6) Portal 2 v (11) Red Dead Redemption
Portal 2
(5) Super Mario Odyssey v (12) Super Metroid
Super Metroid
(2) The Legend of Zelda: LTTP v (15) Ghost of Tsushima
Ghost of Tsushima
(7) Marvel's Spider-man: Miles Morales v (10) TMNT: Shredder's Revenge
Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales
(3) The Legend of Zelda: TOTK v (14) Final Fantasy VI
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
(4) Halo 3 v (13) God of War (2005)
Halo 3
(1) Super Mario Bros. Wonder v (16) Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2
Super Mario Bros. Wonder
(8) Grand Theft Auto V v (9) The Last of Us
The Last of Us
(4) The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim v (13) The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
(5) God of War (2018) v (12) Portal
God of War (2018)
(2) The Legend of Zelda: BOTW v (15) Madden NFL 24
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
(7) Minecraft v (10) Elden Ring
(3) Super Smash Bros. Ultimate v (14) Mega Man X
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
(8) Wii Sports v (9) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
(6) Pokémon Red/Blue v (11) Pokémon Yellow
Pokémon Yellow
(1) Rocket League v (16) Stray
Rocket League
(6) Batman: Arkham Asylum v (11) The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Quote of the Week: S7 W12
"I promise, I'll choose some less serious stuff sometimes 😂 I just freaking love Ender's Game, and I don't have anything I'm reading at the moment that's inherently quotable, so had to pull this gem out. Oh, and if you *haven't* read Ender's Game, highly recommend. I haven't read the books after the first, but the first one stands alone as amazing (this is one of those where you definitely cannot just watch the movie and get the full impact of what the book intended, throw that garbage out, lol)."
Heatseeker Offense
Trigger Fingers
"Single fingers"
Happy Rey Day
"Happy birthday @rey and sorry all in one! 😅"
Original Meme of the Week Season 7 Week 11
"Yeah I danced over to that payment screen like it was Amazon, I'm ngl"
Scavenger Hunt: Green
"Easy peasie 😄"
Coffee Golf
Coffee Golf Madness: Round 2 3/14 - 3/17
"Coffee Golf - Mar 14 11 Strokes - Top 25% 🟨🟥🟩🟪🟦 2️⃣2️⃣2️⃣2️⃣3️⃣ Coffee Golf - Mar 15 13 Strokes 🟪🟦🟥🟨🟩 3️⃣3️⃣3️⃣2️⃣2️⃣ Coffee Golf - Mar 16 12 Strokes - Top 50% 🟩🟪🟦🟥🟨 2️⃣2️⃣2️⃣3️⃣3️⃣ Coffee Golf - Mar 17 10 Strokes - Top 50% 🟩🟨🟪🟦🟥 1️⃣2️⃣3️⃣2️⃣2️⃣"
This Dad's Got Game - S7 W11
"The kid has been playing Sideswipe like crazy since seeing me play it a couple weeks ago. She got into the tutorial and was asking for some help figuring out what she was supposed to do in some parts 😄"
Rocket League Sideswipe
Closest to the Pin…
"Yeah that's pretty dang close"
Heatseeker High Score
"I was doing well, and the other team decided to forfeit, even though they had plenty of time to catch up 🫠"
Quote of the Week: S7 W11
""What man actually needs is not a tensionless state but rather the striving and struggling for a worthwhile goal, a freely chosen task." - Viktor Frankl, Man's Search for Meaning I haven't finished this book yet, started it a long time ago and stopped because life got busy. I just remembered this quote and I thought it was really good 😊"
Your Last NES Game
"I don't remember exactly what I played before our NES eventually bit the dust/we moved on to newer systems, but I know I played this sucker a bunch, so this would be my best guess 😄 of course now I emulate them plenty, but if we're talking an original system...."
Bubble Bobble
Gaming Adjacent: Milk in Cereal?
"It's a good thing Costco sells multi-gallon packs of milk. I'm just sayin'."
Thumbs Up
Digital or Print?
"I used to consume print books by the bucketful when I was younger. Now that I'm older and find myself on the go with kids and a lot of other stuff taking up space in my hands/car (and also having to regularly decide on what gets to take space in the house), I've switched things up a bit (also, I tried to hold on to a 100% print-only mindset for a long time and that ended up being a barrier to getting back into reading). Now, I have a progression/hierarchy: Lowest level- general reading, books/authors I'm not sure about or are unknown to me. This type of stuff I either get from the library (through Libby if I can) or Kindle Unlimited (I've got the 3 month trial that came with my Kindle and so far I'm actually liking it, might keep it). Mid-level- these are books from authors I know and like or at least trust, ones that come highly recommended from people that know what I enjoy, Or that look/sound really interesting and I can't get from the library or KU. These ones I'll buy on Kindle. Top-level- these are ones that I either know that I LOVE (have read before at least once) or know for a fact that I will enjoy (known author + highly rated + up my alley theme, etc). These will earn a physical copy spot on my shelf. As far as audiobooks.... I've done podcasts in the past when I did more physical jobs that I could just mentally check out and listen to stuff, but I just can't get myself to invest in the story of a book when someone is reading to me. The only time I made it through one and liked it was when I listened to Ready Player One narrated by Wil Wheaton 😅"
Mar10 2024
"I took a screenshot too soon, it was a higher score than that, but it's still probably trash because I just reinstalled to play for this 😅 if I had time I would've gone and actually played Super Rush or something 😬"
Super Mario Run
There's other games?
"I went from playing pretty much no games right now to playing the two days needed for the current quest in this, so..... thanks, Fortnite? 😬😂"
Coffee Golf
The Dennis Proposition: Dog Sitter
"I mean, her arms look kinda like dog toys? 🤷‍♂️"
Min Min
Gaming Photography: Season 7 Week 10
"Feel the Emperor's pixelly wrath, heretic"
Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun
What are you playing?
"Not much right now, but I saw Boltgun got added to gamepass while napping the baby so checked that out. Of course, discovered the left bumper on my Kishi controller is broken (just falls down 😞) and that's the charge, which I *have* to do to make it past a certain point in the first level, soooooo short lived tryout of the game 😬"
Original Meme of the Week Season 7 Week 10
"We all know who was behind it"
Follow the C3 Instagram Channel
Follow the C3 Twitter / X Page
Follow the C3 TikTok Page
"Psh, follow, how bout be friends?"
Follow the C3 Facebook Page
"Psh, already done did that 💅"
The Fate of Aerith
"I've not played any FF games, so all I know about this is through osmosis of being a gamer and hearing people talk about it over the years. That being said: From what I know about this situation/storyline, I think she *needs* to die, for integrity's-sake. If she doesn't, it would solely be giving in to the wishes of vocal fans based off of feelings (and ultimately cheapening the feelings the game made all the fans feel for all these years). Oh yay, she lives, but now the sacrifice she made and the strong feelings of loss everyone had all this time are worth...... not as much any more because they pull a switcheroo. Bad feelings/emotions from a good game can be just as valuable as the good feelings/emotions (kinda like life 🤔). The only way I could see changing it and making her live be interesting and not feel like a cheap gimmick would be if there was some sort of butterfly effect explored from that change. For example, if there was then an equally surprising loss experienced later (maybe even something worse?), as a result of her *not* dying.... Maybe I'm just rambling and this doesn't make sense, I'm tired, but that's my $0.02 on the situation as an outside looking in perspective 😅"
Do you consider Palworld a Pokémon game?
"As it stands right now, no. If it were to become the definitive IP in monster battlers (on top of anything else where you performed some sort of tasks involving "catching/taming" monsters then battling and/or otherwise exploiting them for your goals), then I'd say the gaming world should consider dubbing the title "Pokemon-like" (similar to rogue-like) or something along those lines."
Thumbs Down
Pokémon Day: Favorite Pokémon Game
"I think this was the last one I had before taking a long Pokemon hiatus, and I loved it."
Pokémon Emerald
If I only had a Steamdeck...
"Once I finally get one, I'll end up getting this and burn so many late nights on it. Also, I'll probably catch up on a lot of backlog, at least for major titles...."
Baldur's Gate III
Gaming Photography: Season 7 Week 8
"Tried this one out as I'm laid up waiting for this herniated disc to let me start walking and moving like a normal person again. Pretty simple and fun little endless runner concept, with some nice visuals (I just had to snap an early shot because it gets fast and busy, lol)"
Race the Sun: Challenge Edition
Will we see Silksong in 2024?
"I haven't finished Hollow Knight, but I thought this had come out, so if it hasn't, I doubt it's happening this year 😬"
Thumbs Down
Podcast Quest: Who's Your Peter Parker?
"I mean, Tobey was my first movie Peter Parker, but Tom, like @mariomaestro said, just comes across as a kid trying to balance being a high schooler/college kid and superhero better I think."
Tom Holland
What game world needs to be VR
"Or any game you get to purge heretics in the name of the Emperor"
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine II
A Return to the Past.
"I never played any Runescape, WoW, or anything. I attempted some Guild Wars 2 back when I was at Google on recommendation from one of my buddies there. It was entertaining, but I didn't really stick with it. Then I got New World when it came out, and in the time I had available to play it it just wasn't getting fun, so I dropped that one too. As much as I enjoy the idea, MMOs might just not be for me (maybe it's because I have young kids and never tried them when I was young and had all the free time to blow on them? Maybe I should give the genre another shot once the kids are older....)"
S7 SideSwipe assists
"I might be able to get more, just getting an answer in for now"
What is your favorite course terrain?
Favorite Couple in a Game
"These two belong together"
Halo: Combat Evolved
Game cover art
"I'd say there's plenty of games that have cover art I just love. This has gotta be one of them. I still haven't finished this game, but the cover art definitely makes you feel like you're gonna be way more of a bad@$$ than I could ever pull off (I'm sure some of you rogue like fanatics put that statement to shame, lol), and the theme of the game is just so gothic and dark and I loveeeeeeee it..... I should go back and try it again, lol."
Brew Us a Cup
"First try I thought I had the dude, but he started getting HIOs while I was getting all 2s 🤣 then I got this one."
Free Play Highest Stack
"Cute little stacking game. Not sure it'll stay on my phone.... Maybe, depends on how bad the ads are 🤣"
Library Quest: Leap Year games
"Nearly 2am with a 1 year old that doesn't wanna sleep? Sure I'll dig around 🤣"
Civilization II
What game do you know best?
"No idea. I mean, I played this one a lot when I was a kid, so maybe? A lot of more recent, modern stuff I've put a lot of time into but there's also *so much* to them that there's likely plenty of things you could post and I'd stare at it dumbly with no clue what it's from 😅"
Bubble Bobble
Dress to Impress
"My wife was present for all the pinnings she could be there for and she (unfortunately) got coached by a bunch of the NCOs ahead of time on "traditions" even before this promotion (back at LCpl). So she made sure to terrify the officers that were pinning the other side on each time. Pretty sure my PT shirt in this photo had some serious red streaks running down it under those cammies 😅 I loved the deserts over the woodlands, and these would be second only to my dress blues 😉"
The Cure Starts Now 2024
"Boom, let's do this! @dan "
What's Your C3 Story?
"@joel : hey man I've got a secret proje... Me: you sonuva, I'm in"
Most ridiculous premise for a game
"I'm not giving you a screenshot. I don't even own this game. I just happened to see it pop up on Steam one day. If you want to know more, go look it up yourself, but don't say I didn't warn you, you'll be forever changed with the knowledge that someone spent the time coding something like this."
Genital Jousting
What's your favorite tagline?
"I'd have to say Aggressively Mediocre is the most accurate description of me, so gonna go with that one 😂"
RGFT - Favorite Code
"Whenever I think of a code, I think of Shadows of the Empire for some reason. My favorite was to use the "Wampa Stompa" code (you actually had to start your game with that... " Wampa Stompa", one space before Wampa and two before Stompa, as the name) to unlock debug mode for the game. Primarily to get the "unlock all stuff" option. Most of the time I'd still play with invincibility off unless I was having a hard time with a boss (hey I was a kid, lol), but I LOVED having all the weapons and especially the jetpack so I could try getting all the places you weren't supposed to (and inevitably glitch out the screen 😅)"
Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire
Google Snake High Score
"Back to Rocket Bot Royale I guess 🙃"
Try Rocket Bot Royale
"I'm actually kinda enjoying this one 😂"
Gaming Adjacent Series: Eating Schedule
"Hahaha, what's an "eee-teeng sked-yule"? In all seriousness though, I kinda just eat when I remember/if I can around making the kids food and getting them where they need to go 😅"
Subscribe to Channel 3's YouTube Channel
Rent Free Quote
"I had this freaking queued up to post the day of the quest, and then my day got super busy. Oh well 😂 "Permission to leave the station" "For what purpose, Master Chief?" "To give the Covenant back their bomb." 🧊🥶🧊"
Halo 2
My gamer fatal flaw is...
"My gamer fatal flaw is getting somewhere between 50-75% through most games, finding something new, and then forgetting to come back to the partially completed game. Fatal flaw #2 is getting kid 1 old enough to sleep when I could game, and join in on some of my gaming, and thinking "let's add another kid!", so gaming time is back to near zero most of the time. 🫠🔫"
Share a C3 Push Notitication
"And here we see C3, notifying me of Cr3w, supporting me in my (bad? good?) decision making processes 😂"
Try Grift
"This is definitely *interesting* to say the least 🤣"
Intel Brief: Best Deals
"I'll have to update this if I think of any others, but the two that come to me right off the top of my head are: Humble Bundle - I think this site gets some mixed feelings from people because of the Humble Choice subscription. I used to use it, and for what it's worth, while I had it, I think I got some pretty decent games (added to my backlog, of course, lol). Can't speak to the quality of games in it now, but they were decent-ish before. My main use for it now is checking the bundles they put out. They have game, book, and software bundles. I don't do the software bundles often, but there have been some pretty cool game bundles for really cheap, and sometimes they'll have a tabletop RPG book bundle (I got a big bundle of Pathfinder 2.0 PDFs that way). Next site is similar, but more Tabletop focused: Bundle of Holding - Again, this one is a bundles site, but every bundle they drop is some sort of tabletop RPG PDF bundle. Some of them are a little more mainstream, some are a little more obscure, but what's for sure is I've bought plenty of them to add to my collection and.... well..... collect virtual dust in my Google Drive 😅 I've gotta run more games 🤣"
Play Ms. Pac-Man
Homework Assignment: Watch Episode 1 of High Score
"Actually watched this back when it came out, haha. I need to get on that third episode 🧐"
Show us your Channel 3 Stickers.
"One from my sticker sheet. Gotta figure out where to put the other ones 😄"
Original Meme of the Week Season 7 Week 2
"*Raises hand*..... I'm the other half of the Cr3w 🫣"
Fallout 4
Toilets With Threatening Auras
"I would have to say, any toilet with useful resources in it that also gives you the opportunity to very easily misclick and *take a drink*. Other than that, walking in on something obviously innocent but also obviously placed with intention (a la the teddy bear on the toilet below, or gnome on toilet in someone else's submission) is..... creepy. Amusing for a second, but once you have a second to think about it, what twisted mind is sitting there in a foul, rotten place, setting up cute characters in little scenes like that for people to stumble upon? Yeah, probably the twisted mind that's about to gut you as you stare in confusion and bewildered amusement, that's who 👀💀"
Fallout 4
Add Guardians to Your Epic Library
"Epic is one of the tabs always open in my mobile browser. Do I install/play the games I get for free? Almost never. Do I regret accumulating a huge library of random games that I *could* someday play without ever paying for them? Absolutely not 🤣"
What if: Mario's Profession
"A professional flautist. To warp to new worlds he has to do an impossible squeeze into flute pipes, a la Santa Clause."
Play Joust
"Ok I totally played this back when this quest dropped, but I must not have posted the pic, lol. Here it is. Love this game, played it so much as a kid 😂"
What is or was your first C3 Ticket purchase?
"Had to go with the best possible outcome! It's making me choose some media along with the gif, so have a good second look at my logo, if you couldn't see it well enough in the sidebar, lol."
Mad Harry Art Challenge: Pokémon
"My quick and dirty little Photoshop Ditto"
Original Meme of the Week Season 7 Week 1
""Oh a new season dropped? We pick our prizes? I win." (no shade on @friz , I'm impressed at the speed of XP accumulation. Teach me your ways, master 😂)"
Monopoly GO!
New Years Gaming Resolution 2024
"With the littlest one turning 1 this month, hopefully this year will start bringing some better sleep patterns (overall, I know all about sleep regressions, unfortunately 😅). With that, I really want to get back to some sort of streaming, even if it's once a week or, heck, once a month. Gotta start back up somewhere 🫠"
Good bye to 2023
"My favorite gaming memory this year really has been seeing my oldest blossom into more of a little gamer buddy! Late last year/beginning of this year, she was exploring beginner games like Paw Patrol: On A Roll. Then we started picking up some of the nice starter board games like My First Castle Panic, which she loves (so analog gamer as well!), then we got Bluey: The Videogame to move into the 3d gaming world, and now have ventured into Lego games. She has a blast and loves it, I have fun, and she always tells me "you're so fun to play games with" whenever we're done 🥰🥺🥰"
Fortnite Wrapped 2023
"That first season there is when baby #2 came so I was late night grinding to stay awake while rocking the little one 😅"
Answer this quest for XP.
"Finally picked up a pair of modern Xbox controllers (been rockin it with the older models that have no Bluetooth, so to play on the computer I've had to use the janky dongle or go wired). I grabbed a few of the Lego games from the winter Steam sale going on to play with the older kid, and took her to Best Buy so she could pick a controller she wanted. Her first choice was the pink one she saw at Walmart the other day, but they were out, so this (Stellar Shift) was her second choice (and if I'm being honest, I really wanted it too, so I got a duo of it 😆). Those and a play and charge kit and I'd say we're ready to go for the New Year!"
Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
Gaming Adjacent: Decoration etiquette
"I think we're taking the tree down after New Year's this year. Didn't get much up in the way of other decorations for indoor stuff, and no lights up outside, because life was just chaos this year, but normally indoor decorations would start getting put away whenever we end up taking the tree down, and if we got lights up, those would come down whenever we got to them 😂"
Solicit a Recommendation
"Probably picking up Baldur's Gate 3 for myself sometime before the Steam winter sale ends. Thinking of getting one or two more things for playing with the older kid. She handles the somewhat 3d movement in Bluey: The Videogame fine. Haven't tried any of the Lego games with her yet, so if anyone can recommend one of those that's particularly good, or something else that's at the Bluey difficulty level. If it has a really good discount on the Steam sale, that's a bonus 😄"
Bluey: The Videogame
Holiday Wishes 2023
"I think I already posted this photo, but for Christmas I got a couple tabletop games from my oldest (to play with her, of course. Pictured is Yeti in my Spaghetti), some new jeans, a belly full of good food and sweets, and some super happy kiddos 😊 Merry Christmas, Cr3w!"
Christmas in a Game
"Haven't played in forever, but opened it up to see if there was some holiday rip and tear. Monetized, but there it is, right on the opening splash 😂"
Mighty Doom
Holiday Gaming
"Yeti in my Spaghetti with the oldest for some Christmas morning gaming! 🎄🎄🎄"
Pick Your Class
"I rarely play TTRPGs as a player (generally on the other side of the screen if I get to play one, haha), but last time I was actually a player, it was in D&D as a chaotic good Tiefling Sorcerer. Also, I'm late to this quest, so looked through the other responses. Looks like sorcerer isn't a popular choice 😅"
The Game Awards 2023: Best Narrative
"It's freakin D&D run by a computer. Look at @madharryrackham 's answer, that variety in endings alone is insane, lol"
Baldur's Gate 3
Gaming Holiday Decoration 2023
"Defending our tree from space pirates"
The Game Awards 2023: Innovation in Accessibility
"All I know is I've heard a TON about the accessibility options put into this game, not so much the others (though I'm sure they're there)"
Marvel's Spider-Man 2
The Game Awards 2023: Games for Impact
"Sure, sounds interesting at least"
Terra Nil
The Dennis Proposition: Gift Giver
"Peach is always in someone else's castle, so I'm going with Zelda here."
Princess Zelda
The Game Awards 2023: Best Ongoing
"I don't play this all the time, but when they grab a good IP for their BP, I'm sucked back in 😅"
Starting Word
"I played a handful of times. I had no strategy, just chaos 😂"
The Game Awards 2023: Best Debut Indie
"This and viewfinder are the only ones I've heard of. Viewfinder looks interesting, but I also feel like I'd get frustrated because I'm bad at puzzle games, lol. Lovecraftian fishing wins."
The Game Awards 2023: Best Mobile Game
"Coffee Golf right now ftw 😂"
Monster Hunter Now
The Game Awards 2023: Best VR/AR
"No idea, but the image for this one looks neat 😬"
Loot Box: Turkey Day Edition
"Ok, not a "classic Thanksgiving food item", but it's pretty much in my inventory from the time it starts showing up in the grocery stores before Halloween until they dwindle out of stock sometime after New Year's (literally just picked one up with some last minute Thanksgiving groceries, lol). It's a pretty magical drink, so I'd say one glass of it restores 25% of your HP and a spell slot (if you're a casting class). However, if you drink the whole thing, you'll fully heal and recover all spell slots (be ready to take a massive hit to your movement stats for an extended time if you do this). "
The Game Awards 2023: Best Action Game
"I've yet to play any of these, but Armored Core and Remnant 2 are the two that most have my interest."
Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon
The Game Awards 2023: Best RPG
"I've played Starfield, and it's great. I've yet to play BG3..... but everything I've seen about it (feedback, videos, clips, etc), it *still* beats out the game I've actually played 😅"
Baldur's Gate 3
The Game Awards 2023: Best Fighting
"I'm not good at fighting games, but I just always enjoy the ridiculous over the top nature of MK games. Never heard of Pocket Bravery though. The name and picture has piqued my interest and I'm at least gonna go look at it now 😅"
Mortal Kombat 1
The Game Awards 2023: Best Action/Adventure
"I haven't played any of these yet, but they all look great. I'll just have to go with Spidey on this one."
Marvel's Spiderman 2
Gaming Adjacent: When does the Christmas Tree go up?
"As soon as we can get it post-Thanksgiving"
The Game Awards 2023: Best Family
"Haven't played it but it looks fun 😊"
Super Mario Bros. Wonder
The Game Awards 2023: Best Community Support
"I feel like this award primarily calls for a redemption story, which in my mind narrows it down to Cyberpunk or NMS. Cyberpunk is still in my backlog and I know it has made major leaps from what I've heard, but my first hand experience is that NMS is the ultimate comeback-kid story for failed launch games, and they're *still* continuing to add to it with new free content additions. Is it a perfect game? No, there's still weird things that happen like terraformed land respawning back into bases you've built and stuff, but it's a FAR cry from what it was at release, and has been an absolute labor of love/massive apology from the devs to the playerbase. NMS has my vote for this category."
No Man's Sky
The Game Awards 2023: Content Creator of the Year
"No idea 😅"
People Make Games
The Game Awards 2023: Best Sim/Strategy
"Haven't played any of these, but I played AV back in the day and I wanna pick up the new one"
Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp
The Game Awards 2023: Best Sports/Racing
"Not super into the sim racing side of stuff or the super realistic stuff. Give me the orange tracks and miniature cars 😁"
Hot Wheels Unleashed 2: Turbocharged
The Game Awards 2023: Best Esports Athlete
"Don't know these guys, keep it up with CS 😅"
Mathieu "Zywoo" Herbaut - CS:GO
Gone Forever: Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter
"I've always picked MK over SF, I'm not good at either. I just like the wayyyyy over-the-top-ness in the MK franchise, so we can get rid of all things SF 🤣"
Street Fighter
The Game Awards 2023: Best Multiplayer
"Haven't played any yet, but this is the one I really want and have only heard good things"
Baldur's Gate 3
The Game Awards 2023: Best Esports Team
"I'll just stick with the CS train as far as the esports voting 😂"
Team Vitality - Counter-Strike
The Game Awards 2023: Most Anticipated Game
"Close one for me between this and Hades II. I binged the first Hades for awhile but I definitely burn out on that style of game after awhile. I wanna see what this Outlaws game brings to the Star Wars universe of gaming 😍"
Star Wars Outlaws
Gaming Adjacent Series: Sub or Dub
"I even have trouble processing what people are saying when they're speaking English, so I almost always have subs on for anything I'm watching. Now, if I'm trying to watch a show while doing stuff like dishes, laundry, or whatever else, then sure, dubs do I don't have to sit there and stare, but otherwise, whatever 😅"
The Game Awards 2023: Best Esports Event
EVO 2023
Gaming Adjacent: sporks or no sporks
"If I was a bachelor? I'd probably totally go for the fancy metal spork. But as @dosandres said elsewhere, nothing beats the good old plastic military MRE spoons (heck, an Army ranger even kept his IRL positive KDR thanks to one of them 😂)"
The Game Awards 2023: Best Esports Coach
"Like Tony said for the other CS coach, it's been around so long and it's still competitive, so why not give these guys some love."
Remy " XTQZZZ" Quoniam - CS
The Game Awards 2023: Best Adaptation
"Twisted Metal was fun, but no award winning show. The SMB Movie was super fun and a great contender for the award, but ultimately, even having never played the games, I have to give it to TLoU."
The Last of Us
Link your Steam account
"That number was...... Uh.... Higher than I expected 😬🤣"
The Dennis Proposition Biathlon
"Mostly because I've at least tried a Tomb Raider game, never played Uncharted, and the Uncharted movie was garbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaage."
Lara Croft
They just never popped.
"As a kid I was sure Vector Man was going to have so many more games...."
The Dennis Proposition: A Day at the Range
"Mega Man? More like Mid Boy."
3 Years of Xbox Series S and X
"Haven't had an Xbox since the..... 360, I think? But I've got Gamepass and this (despite the negative reviews out there) has been a ton of fun, and even drove me to binge it until I finished the main storyline (a rarity with me in any game that has a story/ending)."
Suika Game High Score
"My 5 year old saw me playing and asked to play it on the iPad. In one go, she had a score over 2k. This is after easily a dozen tries. What the heck. Try #1: 1,952 Try #2: 2,272"
Build - A - Gun
"At this point I don't know if the MK19 is being added to the rifle or vice versa..... but this. I want this."
"If Feevee's face doesn't say "kill me" I don't know what does."
Another Mario v Sonic question?
"I'm gonna agree with the swimming event answers on this one. That blue ball sucks at swimming."
Try Warcraft Rumble
"I can see enjoying it, if I give it the time of day 😬😅"
Crossy Road High Score
"I got 99 problems but this squirrel ain't one (anymore)"
El Día de los Muertos: Skull Hunt
"It...... Shouldn't be this hard to find a freaking skull in a Warhammer game, lol. Forgot I had this on the phone, but check out the coins in the upper left corner. It's there 😅 could've sworn they had servo-skulls in the game somewhere or something.... oh well 😂"
Warhammer 40,000: Tacticus
"Oh shoot, I'm a day late to this quest.... just like the admins 🫢"
Splatoween 2023
"Honestly, I have no idea what this means, but my daughter loves purple and that ghost looks friendly so I'll say ghost."
Halloween Boardgames
"I've gotta get the rest of the expansions for this one, but basically it's a one vs many game where one player plays as the embodiment of one of the seven deadly sins in the post-apocalypse, while the other players are part of a special forces team (that I believe includes a werewolf character option for some reason?) trying to fight off the minions and that sin's living avatar. The miniatures are super creepy, it has felt fairly balanced the couple times I've gotten it to the table, and the theme is just *chef's kiss*, especially for a Halloween party. Only downside I'd say is it doesn't have a high player count if you're breaking it out at a legit party, but at my age, a "party" is more likely to be another pair of parents or two, or a select few friends, soooooo 😅"
What type of cosplay is your favorite?
"I love the all-out cosplay (the ones that spend forever cutting and sculpting foam, painting, wiring electronics if needed, all that). It just blows me away to see those things in person because the well done ones literally look like they seamlessly jumped out of a movie and you'd believe it was real. It's also the reason I have paralysis on doing any of my own, because I'd want to go to that tier and wouldn't be satisfied until it was amazing, so it could end up a forever project. My absolute favorite was my first year going to Maker Faire and seeing the guys who made true-scale (somewhat, I know it's still small but people be small compared to those guys) Space Marine cosplays, so they were walking around in 7+ foot tall power armor, carrying boltguns as big as my torso and chainswords 😅"
Choose your character: Speedstorm
"I haven't played this at all, but that's probably who I'd pick. Is it any good? Should I download it??"
Jack Sparrow
What is your dream cosplay?
"I would be SO STOKED if I could ever put one of these together (a cosplay, not the models) 😅"
"@dan I did it 💅"
Delete one Rocket League quick chat
"I don't play enough to even use quick chats, but who, in the heat of the moment on that tiny field, has time to send as well as time to read, a freaking message saying to take the shot if they haven't taken it already in the window of time that it was feasible? By time it would be read and processed, I'm sure it was either already taken, or the opportunity is passed. Get that trash outta here."
Take the shot!
A question of dexterity.
"Left thumb, occasionally left index finger"
3 Day low score
"1st submission: 35 2nd submission: 32 3rd submission: 30 Coffee Golf - Oct 9 10 Strokes - Top 10% 🎗️ 🟪🟥🟨🟦🟩 2️⃣2️⃣2️⃣2️⃣2️⃣ Coffee Golf - Oct 12 11 Strokes - Top 25% 🟦🟪🟩🟥🟨 2️⃣2️⃣3️⃣2️⃣2️⃣ Coffee Golf - Oct 13 9 Strokes - Top 1% 🏆 🟪🟨🟥🟩🟦 1️⃣2️⃣2️⃣2️⃣2️⃣"
Mundane Simulator
"Shopping List Simulator. No, you're not listening right. You don't do the shopping. This is *just* the shopping list *making* part. You get graded on the quality of your shopping list, if you missed anything important or added something you've already got 10 bottles of in the cabinet (you know, that one thing you always forget you have so you buy more of but then find as soon as you get home). Category: It's a simulator, but also soulslike (don't ask me how, I'm not the one making the game, blame the devs)"
Which is your favourite hockey team and why?
"San Jose Sharks. No other reason than that's where I lived when I finally got into hockey. And ever since I got into it, they were the choke champs, so....... woohoo go me 😂 Hockey's also the only sport I can enjoy watching 😬"
The Thousand Year Game
"I want this and I want it now"
Diddy Kong Racing
Gamify a 2000 Movie
"I can't believe no one has dropped this one yet. I don't know what type of game it would be, but it for sure would need to be multiplayer, probably team based (not sure if it would be players on the chicken and human team, or just players for the chickens vs AI powered humans?). Maybe something almost Overcooked style?"
Coffee Golf Friend Code
"Add BadIntel#2831 as a friend on Coffee Golf!"
Pokémon Pinsir Pandemonium
"Pinsir/Beedrill's mouth positioning makes me uncomfortable. Pinsir/Charizard is just NOPE."
Mr.Mime Madness
"The GitHub is down, but I found an alternate through reddit at Here's a few spoops I got generated: Mr Mime/Caterpie Muk/Mr Mime Unown/Mr Mime (or Spoopy Mouse)"
Pick Your Favorite Original Pokémon
"I had one of these cards. I shouldn't have ever traded it away. I think it was shiny, too, it looked so cool 🥺"
Which Channel 3 Game?
"I've gotten pretty close on these (whether by pure luck or on the off chance I actually kinda know where something is), the other two I usually have to cross my fingers and pray 😂"
Most Rated Game That You Haven't Played
"I've gotta try these, I just never get around to buying them when they're on a Steam sale 😂"
Red Dead Redemption II
Gaming Photography: Season 6 Week 1
"Unless something better comes along..... NICE"
Coffee Golf
Play Squirdle *Bonus Quest*
"Haha, I didn't expect to actually figure it out 😅"
Bonus QOTD: Play Coffee Golf
"Okay...... this is fun....."
Say Goodbye to Season 5
"I've just been enjoying the crap out of this the last couple of weeks. Been putting lots of time in during baby naps, and the fact I'll likely be playing it for at least a good chunk of this next quarter (once I NG+ I might start mixing in other stuff with it again) definitely means it wins this spot."
Least favorite Pokémon
"Anyone who doesn't say Zubat never went through the cave without a pack full of Repel 😬"
Pokémon Red and Blue
National Tattoo Day
"(Forgot to answer this quest on National Tattoo Day, lol) This is an old photo of my tattoos (when they were fresh years back), but they've held up really well. It's also gaming related, as they're Warhammer 40k themed. Left shoulder (left photo) is the Blood Angels Space Marine chapter symbol, and a banner underneath that reads "You are not your story" (a line I learned in therapy, regarding those dealing with bad habits, addictions, etc.... a simplified version is you tell a "story" about yourself internally that you might start to act on impulsively, but you have to step back and recognize that's just that, a story, and you don't have to choose to be that). The right shoulder (right photo) is a purity seal Space Marines would put on their armor before battle (I choose the "psi" symbol instead of the standard skull because I was in the middle of my bachelor's psych program at the time), and the "paper" in front has the Bible verse "When you walk through the fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you". I chose that basically because it's a miracle looking back how unscathed I've come out of some of the things I've gone through in life 😂"
What is the harshest game world you would survive in?
"I know it's the cover image of the quest, but I've gotta play with some main character syndrome here. I'm already a Marine, so halfway there, just send me to space. *Obviously* I wouldn't be one of the billions (trillions?) of people sent on the black ships to be sacrificed to the golden throne daily keeping the god-emperor's corpse alive. I'd definitely be the extremely rare case on a Space Marine homeworld that is selected, survives all the trials and implants, and goes on to fight xenos/chaos scum...... right? 😬😬😬🤣"
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine
What video game world would end you the fastest?
"Bro seriously, this guy has the upper body strength of a god, and I suck at pull ups. Pretty sure he's totally naked in that thing, too. If I don't fall on my head and break my neck, can you say exposure to the elements? Might as well light a fire under my pot and turn me into a stew, because I'm dying in there."
Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy
Bonus Quest of the Day: Download the Channel 3 App
RGFT: Your Favorite Game You Never Owned
"I would pick this up from Blockbuster occasionally. Parents wouldn't ever let me buy it 😂"
ClayFighter 63⅓
Joust High Score Challenge
"Ok creeping higher. Got a ways to go to reclaim the top 😅 1st: 23050 2nd: 40600 3rd: 47600"
Unbeaten Generation
"I got out at Emerald (or Silver, can't remember which was first), and didn't come back till Sword/Shield, soooooo there's a lot of unbeaten generations for me 😳"
Pokémon Black and White
Why do you stream? [Or why would you?]
"I'm not a good streamer. When I do do it, it's mostly so I can easily get those clips of hopefully cool stuff I did instead of whiffs 😅"
What's next?
"Probably won't finish anything I'm currently playing before starting this, as is my norm, but this is probably next 😅"
Ori and the Blind Forest
Which flavor of ice cream is best?
"Between these three, I'd likely choose mint chip almost every time."
Mint Chip
Bonus Quest: GIF
"It's okay, the creator of something can be wrong about it, too "
Holiday Greetings for C3 (2022)
"It's National Beans 'n Franks Day y'all!"
What's Your Choice of Slap Juice?
"This is our go-to coffee shack around here. Unless we change something up (which I'll occasionally do, rarely), they know our orders by heart, including the 4 year old 's chai, and they love to say hi to her. Best slap juice around, and wakes me right up after a night of no sleep cranky baby 😂"
Is this the power of a god?
"I just like the chain lightning and stuff. Lots of blasts and damage all over 😄"
We have to go back!
"Gonna echo Tony here. I think it's stupid that I have to grind out levels on guns that I absolutely hate in order to unlock all the attachments on the guns I like. It's tone deaf from devs who think they can force people to 100% the game (when they might not have the time or interest). Just let me max out my select few weapons and play my personal loadout..."
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II
Show us your Steam Summer Sale 2023 haul!
"Welp, thought I set this quest up to be able to select multiple games. Still learning the ropes there, haha. I picked up the Ori collection (so both Ori games) and Rogue Legacy 2 😁"
Ori and the Blind Forest
Bonus Quest: Download Brawlhalla
Happy Anniversary Rocket League!
"According to Steam, I've got 15.1 hours in it. How much of it is sitting at the main menu, I'm not sure, because I definitely don't have a ton of playtime, and my skill level reflects that 😂"
It's a no from me dawg.
"I tried. I don't know if I have the guts to go back and give it another shot."
Guess the Horror Game 😱
Clip of the Week: Season 5 Week 1
"Best I've got for now, nothing spectacular. I was trying to get kills for the thunder challenge, and this person I was trying to run over jumped on top of my car. Finally got them off and came around for the splat 😂"
The @thunder
Favorite Military Themed Game
"This was my first COD game, and still my favorite military themed game"
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Happy Birthday America!
"America, f*** yeah!"
World of Tanks
Instructions Unclear
"I had to watch videos for beating some of these bosses 😅"
Metroid Dread
What is your current collection level in Marvel Snap?
"Wow I am significantly below most all of you 😅😅😅"
Call to the Coop - What is the best nugget available?
"Dino nuggies are life"
Favorite Overwatch 2 Hero
"I haven't played OW2, but what little OW1 I played, this was one of the guys I liked. Bastion too. I just wasn't ever good at it 😅"
Something Canadian
"Death Road to CANADA"
Happy 1st Birthday,!
"Happy Birthday Ch3! Twitter 😁"
Classic or Modern Controls
"I'd probably go with the modern controls, because I suck at old school fighting games and am more used to smash 😅"
What's the scariest game you've ever played?
"I tried. Really did. I can't do all those constant "when do I have to run for my life and hope I get past this gate in time" games 😂"
Play a new game - April 2023
Warhammer 40,000: Tacticus
Favorite Gaming Memory of 2022
"Discovering DMZ 😅 wish I had more time to play in events, either TDG or Ch3, because I'm sure there's memories to be had"
Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0
Couples Game
"Great game, got Ashley to play a little bit with me. Gotta get back and finish it."
It Takes Two
Favorite video game turned into a movie
"The new Mario movie, that's 100% for sure "
Favorite Channel 3 Season 3 Memory
"That this community has been around for 3 seasons + sweet sweet XP dopamine hits go brrrrrrrr"
Recommend a Netflix Game
"Only one I know that's available on Netflix great game!"
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge
Where did you start with The Dad Gaming?
"I followed The Dad on Facebook, and I remember seeing a post about some new gaming community they were starting. I went ahead and joined TDG, found out there was a Discord, and immediately joined that. Being a little socially weird, I reached out to @joel with a "hey uh..... you want some help setting this server up?". Once he made sure I wasn't some whacko that was going to go delete the server or something crazy, he set me up with admin privileges, and poof, today I'm the social media manager 😂"
Thank @joel
"I've got a lot to thank @joel for, from taking a chance on me with TDG, to being an amazing boss, to going off and creating yet another amazing community under this new platform!"
Favorite Year 1 C3
"Like others have said, seeing how the community has grown, how the site has changed and improved, and seeing all the possibilities of the future of Ch3!"
Show your board game library
"I might have some games sitting in some random locations around the house (and the kid has a spot upstairs for her collection of games, which includes things like My First Castle Panic and stuff), but that's the vast majority right there 😁"
The Reserves
"I'm gonna go with Dogmeat. That good boy will either take down a whole enemy group for you, or will just traipse straight through the minefield of traps you have been sneaking through, setting them all off around you. Which will he do today? Your guess is as good as mine!"
Fallout 3
What's your primary fighting game?
"I'll get down with some Soul Calibur or Mortal Kombat, but for something that I'll have at least a decent shot in, it's Smash 😄"
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Fit to Fight Challenge - Step It Out!
"Not even done yet 😂 I guess this is what happens when half the day is spent walking a baby around to put her to sleep 😅"
I just need time!
"A buddy got it for me for my birthday, and with all the hype around it, I just need to find some time to get it done!"
Horizon Zero Dawn
Super Mario Run Coin Count 1-3
The Dynasty Warriors Treatment
"I feel like this game is already kinda close, but it just needs some oomph to go over the edge into a Dynasty Warriors style game, and I'd be all for that level of Space Marine carnage 😂"
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine
Promote Channel 3
"Just did on the TDG Discord and got at least one instant join. There will be more 😈"
1-1 Time Trial (9/9 Milkshakes)
Share a Significant Other Gaming Story
"It was actually IRL gaming, but this is the closest option to that: My wife and I had signed up to go to our very first tabletop gaming convention (KublaCon, down in California) years ago. This was around the same time I had started up a podcast with a game shop owning buddy of mine, so we had done some interviews with some of the designers in the industry and I'd gotten a chance to know some of them a little bit. Well, one of the nights at the convention the designer of One Night Ultimate Werewolf (Ted Alspach) and his wife invited me, my wife, my buddy, and a handful of our gaming crew to their room for some rounds of ONUW with them. It was Ashley's (my wife) first time ever playing, but since it was such a large group, we had quite a few of the special roles included, making it a bit more complex. So the game is moving along, and during the discussion phase, all the evidence is pointing toward Ashley being a werewolf (she honestly seemed a little bit confused as to what she should be doing and was slipping up in her cover stories while everyone was debating what happened during the "night phase"). Time runs out and we go for the vote, and it's *near unanimous* voting for her. She innocently reveals her card, and she's the FREAKING TANNER (for anyone who doesn't know the game, that's probably one of the hardest roles to pull off, because you're basically only on your side, not the werewolves or the villagers. You *want* to be killed in the end. If you make it too obvious, people will catch on and leave you alone, if you don't make it obvious enough, you're likely to just be overlooked for being anything important). It was at that point, everyone realized I had married a freaking mastermind that we had to watch out for at all times..."
Tabletop Simulator
Smash 64 Main
Smash Character You Dread Playing Against
"That freaking motorcycle"
In honor of The Cody Davis football clip challenge, what is your favorite football game of all time?
Backyard Football
S.N.E.S. or Sness
"The only way"
What video game world would you choose to live in?
"Simple life"
Stardew Valley
Which Marvel character deserves their own standalone game?
"I'll have to agree with some here and say Punisher"
Friendship Ruining Game
"Any Mario Party"
Super Mario Party
Favorite game to watch
"Mostly enjoy watching things like DMZ related TikToks and stuff really, and people who pull off crazy stuff"
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II
How many games do you buy a year?
"This really varies, depending on bundles, sales, finances, and all that. I'm definitely a sucker for a really good Steam sale or Humble Bundle, regardless of how big my backlog is. 8 is likely a very conservative year, considering you can easily get 3 or 4 games per Steam sale for like $10 and there's like 3 or 4 major ones per year 🤣 If we're taking full price games, that's probably like 2, 3 at most 😂"
What is the last game you 100% completed, or came closest to 100% completing.
"Bahahaha, me? 100% a game? Probably the closest I've come is I beat this game and went back to play a little bit of it on the super hard mode, but never finished that, and definitely never got 100% of everything on any difficulty on it. Going for 100% on a game turns it into a job for me and then I hate myself playing it 😂"
Metroid Dread
Game of the Year: 2013
"Wow, looking at major releases in 2013, I realized that must've been when I was on my video game decline and about to go headlong into tabletop for awhile, because I'm not sure I played much of anything from that year..... so I'm gonna say Rust, just because 😂 it'll probably change to TLoU once I actually play that, though, if I'm being honest 😬"
Beverage of choice while gaming
"Daytime: water or coffee Nighttime: water, cider, or something sweet mixed with a soda like rumchata and root beer 😋"
Do you adjust the video settings as soon as you start a new game?
"Is..... Is night mode adjusting settings? I.... I'm confused. I wanna go home. I need an adult!"
Night mode
Follow What Are Your Three?
What is your go to Solitaire deck image?
"Let's pretend like this is vacation"
The Game Awards: Most Anticipated Game (Read Description for Nominees)
"I know most of these are out now, but if none of them were out, I'd still be cautiously hopeful that this game is going to deliver on its promises..."
Bonus Quest: Nintendo Direct June '23
"I didn't see the direct, but seeing the details everyone have shared, I'd say I'm most excited about Super Mario RPG. Not because of any nostalgia, but because I never played it and I've heard so much about it 😂"
What Loot?
"Phone, keys, wallet, and probably an emergency charger and my Kishi controller because cargo shorts (or extra diaper bag pockets) are great 😄"
What is your favorite Tetris 99 background?
"If I played it, probably between this and the Donkey Kong option"
Metroid Dread
Which sword would you choose?
"Lightsaber, duh 😂"
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
What is a game that you want to play that does NOT exist?
"Can we get, like, an MMO for people who like the idea of MMOs but haven't ever been able to find the time to keep up with the basic grind that you've gotta do to be your standard MMO-enjoyer? I swear the concept sounds fun but as soon as I sit down to try one my brain shuts off after maybe 30 minutes."
Hi Score on Chrome Dino
What is your favorite weapon to use?
"Been awhile, but pretty sure I normally like the shield and zappy Zeus stuff. Also, I apparently have more weapons to unlock????"
Aegis: Aspect of Zeus
What movie do you want to see next in the Nintendo Cinematic Universe?
"Metroid or Legend of Zelda would be my wishes"
Will the Nintendo Switch become the best selling console of all time?
"I think there's a solid chance of this"
Light mode
Favorite Mario Kart 8 Item
"Gotta go fast"
Bullet Bill
What is your favorite Golf video game?
Mario Golf: Super Rush
Gaming Tattoo
"Back when they were fresh, but they've held really well, barely faded. My Warhammer 40k Blood Angels themed tattoos (the BA chapter symbol and a space marine purity seal with the psi symbol in place of the more standard skull on the wax seal, as I was in the middle of my psych degree program when I got it)."
World of Warcraft Character Race
"Probably this if I played"
Would You Rather: Time or Games?
"Option 2 is like being a parent with access to Steam (those dang sales). I never get anything remotely completed, so I'd say 1, if I can choose two that have a good story to finish but then either awesome replayability or lots of continuing content. Otherwise, 2 works with the option of lots of games you don't necessarily have to "finish" (like battle royales, roguelikes, etc)"
Avatar Sized Budget
"Actually, this would probably do well as a big budget series"
Fallout 3
Favorite Reboot
"My favorite reboot is when my team of randoms actually grab my card and go to a reboot van instead of running in circles until they die."
The Game Awards: Game of the Year (Read Description for Nominees)
"Haven't played any of them, but I'd likely enjoy GoW better than Elden Ring, the one everyone raves about 🙄"
God of War Ragnarök
What is your favorite game in the Call of Duty franchise?
"I'd put the original Modern Warfare 1/2 or World at War, but this one has DMZ and I absolutely love that mode."
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II
Suggest C3CS
"I'd say COD, but looking through past responses, I'd agree with many that a fighting game bracket would be awesome. The new Mortal Kombat would be my vote."
Mortal Kombat 1
Favorite Genre
"I major in shooter with a minor in battle royale"
Heart or Stamina?
"Haven't played TotK, but coming from BotW, I always leaned heavier on stamina because I hated falling off things at the last second and preferred going the creative way, lol"
Stamina Vessel
Favorite Dad in a video game?
"I have yet to play this, but from what I know of the story (from overhearing conversations about it to watching the series), Joel is numero uno in my book ☝️"
The Last of Us
Favorite Star Wars Game
"Not sure I ever played the second one, and I have yet to play through Fallen Order. That very well could supplant this, but for now, loved this one."
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
Favorite gaming gift ever?
"Would have to be when my wife gave me the green light to build my gaming PC as a gift (forget if it was birthday or Christmas). It has definitely held the test of time, as I've only upgraded the RAM since then, and it's just now that I'm hitting the point of "yeah I *really* need to do a full upgrade" (I want to say that was 2016 or something)."
Recommend a game on Xbox Game Pass
"I know it's also a cheap purchase, but it's such a simple jump in and out game, I use it on my phone with the Kishi controller and the cloud side of the Gamepass app when I've got some time to kill. Really good one!"
Vampire Survivors
Was the Nintendo GameCube a failure?
"I freaking loved my Gamecube"
Night mode
What is your favorite game you never finished?
"Found my dad, and he glitched inside a super mutant hideout on the way back to Rivet City. I hadn't saved in over 3 hours. I turned it off and never turned it back on 🤣"
Fallout 3
Pick Your Pro Controller
"I don't have an Xbox or Playstation, so Switch Pro Controller it is 😅"
Touch Grass
IRL: Give someone an unsolicited compliment
"Complimented my wife's first attempt at making egg drop soup today (it really was quite tasty, homegrown eggs and all)"
What are you thankful for in 2022
"For the gaming community and friends I've made (and that this question is still around 😬😅)"
Game That Grew Over Time
"No Man's Sky is the poster child for failed, garbage launch turned around into a successful game through massive work, patching, updates, and just a labor of love by the dev team."
No Man's Sky
What is the best lesson you learned from gaming?
"I just put PUBG because it's the first BR I ever played, but really all Battle Royales solidified the lesson I had learned earlier in life: if you can't have fun playing a game without being the best at it, then maybe you should take a break from that game/it isn't a good fit for you. My win ratio for the number of hours I've put into PUBG/Fortnite/Warzone/etc is atrocious but I continually come back to those modes because I just have so much fun (most of the time)"
Your top feel-good game
"I put so much time into this when I first got it. It's (overall) so relaxing."
Stardew Valley
Find a 3
Mighty Doom
Channel 3 Season 2 - Favorite Part?
"I agree with Cody the XP is the greatest 😜"
Which game has the best in-game radio stations?
"3, 4, New Vegas, they're all great"
Fallout 3
Gaming Resolution
"I'm super late on this one, but I'd say finish the story (even on easy mode) of at least one major title that has been sitting in my backlog."
Favorite fighter from the original Mortal Kombat
"Close between this guy and Sub-Zero, but the "get over here" wins it for me."
Should professional gaming (E-sports) be considered an actual sport?
"I agree with the ones who say it's more of a grey area, but lean toward yes. I think it should sit as its own category separate from physical sports so as not to be considered a replacement for that, but should also see all the same benefits of people who put a lot of effort into professionally improving in them, if that makes sense?"
Light mode
Sorting Hat
"I always end up sorted into Gryffindor..... makes sense, lol"
Tail or Cape?
"I remember the tail more than the cape so tail wins"
Most Hated Mario Kart 8 Item
"Screw these"
What game genre just isn't for you?
"Yeah just..... not into it"
Visual Novel
Does beating a game on "Easy" difficulty count as truly beating the game?
"Absolutely! Especially as a parent, sometimes you just want to enjoy a game and get through it to see what everyone else has seen/is talking about, and anything above "easy" takes too much time with the demands of the children."
Light mode
The Game Awards: Best Family Game (Read Description for Nominees)
"The Lego games are just so great. I need to try one out with the older kid now, actually..."
Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
Do you prefer using wireless or wired gear while gaming?
"I use a combo, actually. My headset and keyboard are wireless, my mouse is wired."
Controller or Keyboard and Mouse?
"I'm m/kb in general, but for certain things will pick up a controller"
Would you rather: Fortnite or Mario Kart 8?
"I just prefer battle royales to racing games in general, sorry not sorry, lol"
Favorite Ninja Turtle
"Not sure I have a good reasoning behind this other than swords... lol"
How did you get your gamer tag?
"I forget the random stuff I was using prior to this one, but when I joined the military, I was intelligence for a Marine Force Recon reserve unit. Any time we'd go out to train, it was always the joke that anything bad that happened to them out in the field was because they were given "bad intel". At the time I was heavily playing Halo (I think it was either 2 or 3), and I loved my personal inside joke when it would say "You were killed by BadIntel" in the killfeed"
Wave your flag!
"New Vondel map! Just some random location, no idea where it is, lol"
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II
Favorite Game Mod or Cheat
"Wampa Stompa.... debug mooooooode ftw!"
Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire
What's the funniest game you have played?
"Easily any of the Jackbox Party Pack games. My wife and I have played these to death with one of her sisters and brother in law (especially before kids), and to this day we have momens we reference back to with them, yearsssss later, that are still hilarious"
The Jackbox Party Pack 2
Sports or eSports
"I've always been a video gamer. Never was into sports much, until somewhat getting into hockey as an adult, but even then, I don't really follow it much. It's just essentially the only sport I actually enjoy, whereas video games I love, lol"
Favorite Character in the Street Fighter Franchise
"Call me a simple man, I just like my little green electrical dude. Also, I don't know more than half of these characters (I have not kept up on Street Fighter, it seems 😂)"
Generate a Pokémon
"Input: BadIntel Inference Steps: 50 Guidance Scale: 20"
What is your favorite Fortnite Augment?
"It's either this or soaring sprints. The ability to get out of dodge fast without taking damage (since I'm always playing no-builds) while your opponent (hopefully) can't is a huge asset."
Chapter 4 Season 1 Final Level
Favorite Baseball Game of All Time
"The only sports game series worth playing"
Backyard Baseball
Do you view Channel 3 in Light mode or Night Mode?
Night mode
The Game Awards: Best Ongoing Game (Read Description for Nominees)
"This one managed to pull me in late in the game (after they added no builds officially). They're doing something right by evolving with the audience and with what people want."
The Game Awards: Best eSports Game (Read Description for Nominees)
"I used to play some Counterstrike waaaaaay back in the day, but I have no idea what it's like now, so can't in good conscience vote for it. I've definitely seen the hype around RL though, both through RLCS and what has been done over at The Dad Gaming, and that's legit. So my vote is this."
Rocket League
Music choices
"Nah, unless it's absolute trash audio, I'm going with the sounds of the game. If the game audio sucks (which means it's probably some free phone game that I've downloaded for the weekend), then I'm probably just playing sound off with ambient noise as I mindlessly tap, haha"
What is your LEAST FAVORITE Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3 landing spot?
Shifty Shafts
The Dad Driving School High Score
"Dang sports cars"
"Everyone is here!" But some weren't...
"You know who we need..."
Capture a Shadow Pokémon in Pokémon Go
"Eh it works"
Favorite Batman Game
"Not sure I've finished any of the Batman games, honestly, but it was a fun one"
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Favorite Tactical Game
"I would absolutely suck at it today, but this was my game back in the day!"
What is your favorite Role Playing Game (RPG)?
"If we're talking strictly video games, that is..... tabletop is another matter...."
Golden Sun
What are you looking for in your ideal Fortnite Duos partner?
"Generally, I'm looking to grind out battle pass levels, so if I'm not queueing up with randoms and running off to do my own thing, I'm looking for someone who's gonna support a quest hunt and not necessary a dub hunt (though that's not bad if we can pull one of those off in the process!)"
Digital or Physical
"I understand the idea of wanting to stay with physical, and I'll occasionally still pick up a physical copy of a Switch game here and there, but 99.999% of the time, I'm getting a digital download, whether it's through Steam, the Nintendo online store, or whatever digital store it's on."
What has been your favorite moment from Channel 3 Season 1?
"Seeing it start! Basically all the stuff I've constantly said "I wish Facebook/Twitter could do X", C3 does it."
How many Pokémon are in your Pokémon Go collection?
"Dang, I stopped playing a long time ago, have barely any compared to so many people here, lol"
What is your Pokémon Go trainer code?
"5484 1022 0956"
Favorite NES Game
"I'm probably in a minority here, but I've got some great memories bouncing around on bubbles as a little dinosaur and popping bad guys"
Bubble Bobble
What is your favorite video game trailer?
"Basically all the trailers for this game got me hyped. I still need to play through it though....."
Gears 5
What is the best Free to Play game on the market?
"I want it so badly to be Halo Inifinite, and it's great, but I gave up trying to grind the battlepass. Fortnite has the cadence for unlocking stuff *much* more dialed in, to make you feel like you're actually making progress without being a top tier player."
What popular game do you dislike?
"I like open world, but couldn't get into these games "
Grand Theft Auto V
What is the first game you played with your significant other?
"Pretty sure it was the second one, though it could've been 3"
Halo 2
Favorite starter Pokémon
Least Favorite or Most Annoying NPC
"Navi, I've already listened to you plenty. Please leave me alone now."
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
First Game with Kids
"I showed my kid how to play Paw Patrol: On a Roll first, but that's solo. Lego Worlds is the first one we both held controllers and actually ran around together in."
Lego Worlds
What is your IRL class?
"Chaotic Good Barbarian with a level or two mutliclassed into Cleric, who now works in social media and community management, lol"
Are you a leaner or a stander?
"I'm a leaner. In the same vein, I'm also an "ow"-er (I'll say ow occasionally when hit in games)"
Tell us about the biggest win you had in a videogame tournament or your favorite tournament you have participated in.
"In 2021 I got a last minute opportunity to join in on the big MayDay Warzone tournament with a couple of high tier players (including Aydan, who I had written an article for The Dad about). Those two guys carried me to my first ever Warzone wins, it got me affiliate, and I had a great time!"
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
What is your gaming snack of choice?
"Rum and root beer count? Haha"
What game have you logged the most hours on?
"On Steam, it's PUBG at nearly 300 hours. I probably rival that with Minecraft hours on the Switch, though, if not completely bypass it. "
What is your favorite fighting game?
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Who is your Mario Kart 8 MAIN?
What is your favorite course?
Special Cup - Bowser's Castle
New season new level! What is your current Chapter 3 Season 3 level?
Which Super Smash character would you most like to LITERALLY fight IN REAL LIFE?
Who is your Super Smash MAIN?
What was your final Chapter 3 Season 2 level?
What is your current favorite skin?
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