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Games releasing this month

Tower of Dreams
Star Wars Hunters
Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD
Army Men: World War - Team Assault
The long ongoing war between the Tan and Green armies may finally be at an end. The Tan army is in the midst of creating weapons of mass destruction to finally put an end to the Green army and the war once and for all. It's now up to the player to guide a team of Green army commandos to put a stop to the Tan army's plans. The game contains 16 stages that feature different objectives such as blowing up a bridge or escaping from a P.O.W. camp. Before starting each stage, players get to select 2 of the 6 different commandos to take into the field of battle. Each commando has their own ratings in speed, stealth, and hit points. Each also has two special skills. Skills can include being adept at demolition, linguistics, heavy weapons, sniper, mechanic, communications, or repair. Players can switch control between the 2 commandos during a stage. During some stages players also get a chance to maneuver assault vehicles and tanks, aim aircraft artillery, and pilot submarines. The game also contains a Training mode and a 2 player multiplayer mode. Multiplayer modes consist of Capture the Flag and Grudge Match games.

166d @joel Game added to Channel 3 library