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Armored Core V is a mecha-based video game developed by FromSoftware and published by Namco Bandai Games for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. It is the 14th main installment in the Armored Core series and a return to the more traditional style of gameplay found in the original series of games. Whereas previous games in the series focused on quick-reflex combat, Armored Core V relies heavily on tactical gameplay. Similar to the first games in the series, Armored Core V requires players to use level geography to their advantage.
Mild Language, Violence
This is a third-person shooter in which players assume the role of a mercenary hired to complete missions against a leader and his private army. Enclosed in a mech-like suit of armor, players' character uses machine guns, rockets, rifles, and energy bursts to engage humanoid robots and armed vehicles (e.g., tanks, helicopters, trains) in both ranged and hand-to-hand combat. Battles are highlighted by realistic gunfire, frenetic radio chatter, and large explosions; enemy vehicles burst into fiery wreckage when destroyed. An opening video also depicts soldiers running from explosions, falling debris, and gunfire. The words “a*s” and “bastard” can be heard in the dialogue.

166d @joel Game added to Channel 3 library