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Dan Tucker
2024 Called It! (12)
I came here to chew bubble gum and play video games, and I got some bubblegum right here.
Bromigo Bromein
Threat Level Midnight
Your favorite subpar 90s cranking, splat splooshin’, blue shell aficionado! Memer by weekday and streamer by weekend; trying to keep you as minimally entertained as possible!
Aggressively Mediocre
Love God, Love Others. Dad of 3 beautiful kids with one on the way! Sports Gamer. SKOL! Rocky Top! Go Cubs Go!
Founding Member
Husband of 1 and a Father of 2! As a fellow parent, I casually game during nap times and bedtimes. If I have only a few minutes to play, I’m dropping in on Fortnite, Fall Guys, or getting a few songs in on Bear Saber. When the stars align and I have an hour to play, I’ll dive into Single Player Narratives like Jedi Fallen Order, God of War, or Spiderman as of recent. Thanks for letting me be here
Baby Luigi Main
So if a bowl of mashed potatoes became sentient, and the sentience was annoying, you would have me.
Grown Man Playing Pretend. Part Time Gamer, Part Time Techromancer, Full Time Father of a teenage daughter that enjoys gaming just as much as I do.
Marbles Master (6)
I am the wife of Grumpytrashplayer AKA Nasko and I am a casual gamer and I am a beauty sales giude for Lime Life.
Game NPC
Father of 3 beautiful children 1 boy 2 girls I am 32 years old. Video games have always been my go too. Its a dream of mine to stream and have fun with people in the possibility of doing it full time!
S10 Mobile Maniac (2)
A nerd through & through, whose dream is to quit & be a full time dad & gamer.