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Jared Warner
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Rocket Racing
Jelly Boy
Joel Willis Ah, Puck!
Designer, Developer, Founder of Channel 3
Stunning visuals, and the audio is even better. The sonic boom soundwave destruction section absolutely sealed the 5 star deal for me.
Alan Wake II
This game is.... impressive. In all ways.

It's a detailed story, rich with characters, who shift around in lots of different ways. I appreciate the story complexity.

While I did appreciate this experience and I enjoyed playing it. I'm not sure this game is for me.

I talk a lot about narrative/gameplay integration. Where some games can be all gameplay, no narrative (i.e., Fortnite). I think the best games have a tight integration where your gameplay drives the story forward, if that makes sense.

In this game I feel like the gameplay is almost an afterthought. In some cases you're literally dragging and dropping notes on a board while the character explains to you what it means and what is happening.

Or like if you go up to an NPC and chat, and it's like "press X to say this, or Y to say this," it really doesn't mean anything. You're just gonna mindlessly click through anyway.

I know there's a lot of games like this and this is nothing new. I'm just saying for me personally, I want more ability to affect outcomes with my gameplay.

K that said, the visuals in this game are stunning. It's freaking art. I'm a huge fan of the mixed media approach of having writing, music, film, etc all in one. This game had to have been a monumental undertaking, in terms of how many talented people had to be involved, as well as the coordination of having everyone do their thing and have it work together.

There are a ton of plot threads, and I bet if I pulled on some or thought too much about it, there'd be lots of plot holes. But I just greatly respect what they did here.

Definitely a unique gaming experience. I'm glad this game exists. It is impressive.
Rocket Racing
I've avoided seeing what the "critics" say. Just wanted to try it out and enjoy it (or not). Played for hours Saturday night. Rejuvenated my love for racing.
Gang Beasts
This game is ridiculous and ridiculously fun. My daughter put me on to it and we played several times, just crackling up the whole time.
Super Mario Bros. Wonder
I'll be honest. Initially I was going to rate this 4 stars. Like in my first 30 minutes of gameplay. It just felt very childish and almost cheesy. And a little too easy. I was thinking, "I get it, and it's pretty cool, but just not all the way for me."

Then I kept playing and it drew me in completely. Such a fantastic creation. Innovative and relatably familiar all at once. It definitely IS a kid's game, and I knew that, but it's very relaxing to play one level and then challenging at the right times.

Most of all I play this and I'm just so happy for all the really young kids getting introduced to video games for the first time through this game. This game will be their nostalgia. This is that formative gaming experience that they'll have. And WOW, what a great one it is.

This game is singlehandedly creating countless priceless lifelong memories for the next generation of video game fans. Doesn't get much better than that.
Jelly Boy
So unique. I was giggling at some of the simple mechanics. I had no idea this even existed.
That was ridiculously cool. I knew nothing going into it, and I'm thrilled with that. Very unique. And the cake was delicious.
The Lord of the Rings: Heroes of Middle-earth
This game is not for me but man all these mobile games a ridiculously good quality. For the little bit I played, my favorite part was being able to increase the speed to 2x or 3x. Very nice touch.
The Last of Us
Wonderful game. Now I can watch the show. :) (And wait for part 2 to be released on PC.)
Bejeweled Blitz
How have I not rated this yet??? I know y’all are expecting a five star rating but ya know, it’s pretty good but not great.
It’s a fun lil game that I do enjoy but good god the ads. Can you pay to get rid of em? I might and then add more stars. (Update: ad free is worth it)
Sonic Dash
I’ve only played this because of Channel 3. So while the game is decent and gets 3 stars, Channel 3 deserves all the stars in the world.
Tomb Raider Reloaded
Everyone who played this today for the daily quest, don’t forget to rate it! Get that xp.

Here’s mine: It was okay. Probably won’t be back though.
Was gonna be a 3 until I stumbled upon the bonus level. That gets it an extra star. Ahead of its time.
Marvel Snap
I totally get the appeal. The graphics and animations are amazing. I haven't allowed myself the time to realllly get into it. Too busy.
Soccer Super Star
This game is a pretty stupid, ad-filled mobile game. That said, I play it all the time. Haha.@thelion found it, somehow. And now I play it because I'm trying to catch up to him on levels. It kills time. That is all.
It’s five stars how and it’s all Fortnite. Imagine what it’ll be when other games’ maps are in there. @thelegendofzeldabreathofthewild ? @apex ? Then it’ll be six stars.
I can tell I will love this. But I’m so bad at it after only two games. Gonna keep at it and may add another star as I progress and enjoyment increases.
Overwatch 2
I did not play the first one so take this for what it’s worth. But this game feels exciting and fast paced. I’m a fan already. My son asked what it was like and i said “Apex mixed with Valorant.” I’m sure that’s ignorant but don’t kick me off this site please.
Pretty cool. Just started playing with @thelion . Feels simpler than I thought it would be but I’m sure I’m just scratching the surface. Tho the team dynamics and ease of play could make this a good party game if you have enough people.
@jdayretro2693 reminded me of this. Played the crap out of it as a kid. Just seeing those throwing stars laying just below the floor is instant nostalgia.
The Dad Driving School
This is the greatest game I've ever made. (I actually didn't really make it. But I helped produce!) It's actually a very fun lil game. The overlay messages and challenges were fun to write. I've gotten pretty good at it. I can even turn this car around.
Ninja Gaiden
This game made so many 90s kids want to literally become ninjas. Myself included.
Section Z
My absolute favorite "obscure game from childhood that most people probably don't know about." Who else has played this?
Super Mario Land
I totally forgot about this game. I was making sure we had all Mario games in here and saw it. I saw gameplay and it was like "WOOOOOOSH" BAM! Nostalgia! I looooved this game.
I played this with my son. It’s pretty solid. We had a good time and decent workout.
Dr. Mario
I LOVE THIS GAME. I am not good at that many video games. I am pretty decent at @mariokart and @rocketleague. But I am actually good at this game. I have met a few people in my life who can compete with me, but I don't think I've ever met anyone who could beat me more than I would beat them. I challenge anyone to this game.
Final Fantasy
This was the first game I was obsessed with beating all the way through. My older brother and I stayed up all night and defeated it. I'm pretty sure we used Game Genie, but still, I was so proud. Just looking at gameplay footage and screenshots fills me with nostalgia. That's what gaming is all about.
Donkey Kong Country
I bet when this came out everyone was like “Oh you can’t reimagine Donkey Kong, it’s a classic.” and if they came out with a new version of this now they’d say “Oh you can’t reimagine Donkey Kong Country, it’s a classic.”
Wizards & Warriors
This has to be one of the greatest games of all time. And I refuse to go back and play it now as an adult because I'm afraid it won't hold up and I don't want to ruin my childhood.
I love playing with my son so it's amazing. Also this game gets a lot of hate from older folks. But I love it. It's fun.
Batman Returns
One of those games I totally forgot about until I saw it here, but now I have distinct memories of just loving the crap out of it.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Beautiful game. This game got me back into gaming after not playing for a while. There's so much to see. So much to do.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
One of the only games my kids can legit beat me in. It's fun. I reckon it's called Super Smash cuz you smash all the buttons.