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Mario Kart 8
Elden Ring
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
God of War (2018)
Finally beat this game. It ranks wayyyyy up there in my top games of all time. The story was just, fantastic. I am not always one for the story of the game... skipping cut scenes a lot of the time (don't @ me, I am working on it!) but this was one that I... just had to set down the controller and take the story in each time a cut scene came up. I know some will say it's too slow, and I kind of agree, but once I was pulled into the story I wanted to be playing it at all times. Must play, IMO.
Gears of War
Hot take, I know, but I just never loved these games. Gameplay, story, all fell flat for me :(.
Pokémon Yellow
5 because nostalgia :) and I mean... Pikachu followed you! As a kid... this made my year.
Aladdin (Sega/PC/NES)
I played this game A LOT as a kid. Had a love hate relationship with it but it holds a special place in my heart and is a game I go back and visit once a year.
Portal 2
One of the best puzzle games ever made. If you haven't played it, 1) Why? 2) Just do it.
Dark Souls II
Still an incredible game. Most everything that made Dark Souls engaging and fun returns here. Depending on the type of game you’re looking for people will either consider the “improvements” as just that, or as things that take away from the Dark Souls experience. For me, I just accept them. I see both sides, though. The purists want that traditional, difficult and somewhat time consuming exploration. Those that might be considered more casual (like myself) want the same great experience overall but some quality of life improvements would be appreciated. The ability to warp between fires from the start is such a quality of life improvement… but it does lead to less joy in exploration and it’s VERY clear the level design and interconnected world is no longer what it was. The combat feels off at times due to the weird choice with movement that the devs put in and the ridiculous tracking enemies have in DS2. But the world, the lore, the experience and journey you get to experience is still so engrossing. Loved this game, just a little less than DS1.
Dark Souls
I put this game off FOREVER. Thought people were crazy for liking it, but in the back of my mind I really wanted to get it. I wanted to like it. In theory it’s the exact kind of game I love, but I would just give up after an hour each time I played it. Thankfully I picked it up on the Switch and MONTHS later I finally got into it. It clicked! Being on the hybrid, portable console… with the ability to suspend whenever i needed (some souls fans will probably curse me for that, but hey it worked for me in my life phase). This game is incredible. The level design is pretty much unmatched, in my experience. The joy of discovering shortcuts and elevators that show you the genius of the interconnected word. I won’t say anything that hasn’t already been said but once you find the groove and get over learning curve (fighting cowboy on YouTube is a great place to learn some things or get unstuck if you are open to that), this game is a masterpiece. Don’t get me wrong, it has flaws and is a product of its time… but it sucked me in. I am forever a From Software and Soulsbourne fan, now.
Elden Ring
Before playing Elden Ring I thought everyone that "enjoyed" a Dark Souls/Soulsbourne game was just straight up lying or out absolutely of their mind. The games felt so unapproachable, not fun, and unnecessarily hard. BUT that all changed for me when I played Elden Ring. After putting in about 25ish hours I saw the draw. The reward and joy you feel after experiencing that first boss take down, so good. I decided to stop and go back to Dark Souls Remastered and I regret nothing. I don't roll credits, but I have now rolled credits on DS1 and DS2... half way through DS3. Love these games now, love FromSoft... I get it now, thanks to Elden Ring.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
This game in combination with the Switch came at the perfect time. A few months into being a dad, Link kept me and my first kiddo company as I took night shifts to let my wife sleep. This game sparked my love for games again. Prior to picking this up I hadn't been playing games as much as I used to, but man... this sucked me back in. The kind of game you keep thinking about when you aren't able to play. Every moment I could, I was picking this back up and the Switch made that SO easy. Beautiful combo. Easily in my personal top games of all time. I wish I could go back and play it for the first time, have my mind blown all over again. Thankful for this masterpiece.