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Where in the World is White Thunder?
Halo: Reach
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
I'm the Dadmin for The Dad Gaming. I enjoy a pretty wide variety of games, when actually have the time to play!
Pokémon Puzzle League
Tried it for the time trial quest that's up right now. I'm..... Not a fan, lol. It's just weird how the movement of blocks works in this compared to other games where it's a clean "you swap two pieces, do they make a set? Yes? That works. No? Sorry, try again". Maybe I'm simple with my puzzle block games, lol.
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
I loved this game when I was younger. I never finished it, got stuck on one of the missions, but from what I can remember it was such an intense stealth spy game and it *made* you be stealthy.
SimCity 2000
I think I just didn't understand how to properly some things well enough with these games. I always ended up with populations that were mad at me, losing money, and I'd inevitably just turn on whatever the God mode was and send natural disasters in to decimate my cities.
Back 4 Blood
Being a successor to the Left 4 Dead games, I was hoping for a whole lot more. It's not trash, but it definitely didn't live up to the hype. I played it a little, then uninstalled. The cards "perk" system to beef up your characters/team was kinda interesting, but I felt like it just overcomplicated what was a successful formula in L4D.
New World
I don't know if MMOs just aren't for me, or if I haven't found the one that works for me, but I got this when it came out thinking "ah that sounds neat". I created a character and played maybe 2 hours, and couldn't get into it (maybe it's just the process of repetitive low level grind fetch quests that turns me off? I dunno). If someone can sell me on coming back to this, or on another MMO, I might give it a shot 🙃
Rampage World Tour
It's fun. It's not a deep game, you just walk around as one of three monsters, eating people, punching or stopping on buildings, destroying cars and aircraft, but it's fun enough to get a place on my Anbernic 😄
Plants vs. Zombies
4 stars because it did what it set out to do well. Is it an amazing game? No, that's why it's not getting 5 stars. But back when I first got it, I definitely killed a bunch of time going through the levels fighting off hordes with my garden 😅
Bluey: The Videogame
Ok, just picked this up today, and I love it. I've gotta say, if you're looking for something super deep that you're going to play as an adult gamer by yourself and feel "yeah this was totally worth it", well, look elsewhere. BUT:

If you have a kid that's into Bluey, and you at least are neutral on it (we're a total Bluey household, love it 100%), this is a great purchase, especially if you're looking for something as an early-gamer game. I sat down with my 5 year old and we blew through the story, which plays out like 4 "episodes" of the show (with a title card screen and everything). You run around the house, park, etc, and perform different tasks (for example, gathering snacks for a Chattermax toy Uncle Rad gives the kids, or getting Muffin's dress up clothes to play with her and Uncle Stripe on the playground), ultimately gathering up map pieces to uncover a hidden treasure Bandit and his brothers buried back in the "olden days" (the 80s).

It's a short adventure, split into 4 short episodes (all of which can be replayed after completing the story), which I think is perfect for the target audience. On top of that, you get to free roam the different areas in the game, and there are objects you can collect to add to your sticker book and collectibles to find, and 4 mini games you unlock over the course of the main story to play at will (keepy-uppy, floor is lava, Chattermax chase, and magic xylophone). All of these also gain you stars that unlock hats you can put on the family members you're playing, which is a fun touch for kids that might want to dress them up a bit. Also, we played the story together, but my 5 year old was able to handle the controls just fine as her first "3d adventure game", and she was able to run around for collectibles on her own (they're identified with sparkles so kids can find them easily).

A couple of notes I'd put out for parents playing with their kids: make sure you're player 1. There's an intentional rubber banding effect to keep players together, and it seems tied to player 1. If your kid likes to mess around a bunch, you might find yourself at their mercy until they choose to go the right way 😅. 2. We're playing on Switch, and overall the experience was great, but there was one point with some funky clipping that had me walking through stairwells and under the floor. I had to close the game and reopen it, but it could have been due to some rapid fire back and forth to the character selection screen my kid had us doing right before that causing a glitch, lol. Aside from that, nothing major to note, and I'd consider it a strongly recommended for the Bluey families out there.

I won't spoil it, but the main story also ends with what you'd expect from your typical Bluey episode. Not anything tearjerking or super poignant like some episodes, but it definitely had both me and the 5 year old locked to the screen as Bandit dropped the point of the story to Bluey.
Eh, it's a site to play chess online with people. It does what it's supposed to do, nothing flashy.
Halo: Combat Evolved
So, trying to go back to this one nowadays is the definition of the "motherf***er you are hard to look at" meme, both visually and the more dynamic gameplay you're used to in the sequels. However, the story is amazing, and without this we wouldn't have the rest of the Halo franchise that exists today 🔥
Pokémon Sword and Shield
It was another Pokemon game. It wasn't bad, but also wasn't amazing. It also feels like the games have been made easier somehow? Maybe it's because the older games were played when I was a kid and made worse/less strategic decisions and did less grinding, but I think I beat this one without having my whole team go down even once, and it was rare that even half my team would need reviving. It was fun, just felt almost too easy?
Man, I loved playing this game. Jousting on the backs of ostriches? How could it be better?
Deep Rock Galactic
I haven't played it enough to fully know what I'm doing when I go in (I usually play with a more experienced friend and just follow his lead), but it is definitely well done! You (and any friends delving with you) are a bunch of space dwarves mining asteroids for..... stuff? Problem is, there's bugs. Literally. You have to get through these tunnels (and you have tools to dig your own paths) to your objectives, all while fighting off tons of huge bugs. It's fun, chaotic, it lets you be creative as you can use the tunnels you dig to create choke points and kill zones (or you can just kill zone yourself), and you're freaking dwarves in space. How is that not fun?

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege
I definitely have to give it credit, it's a good game, I'm just not good at it. There are so many angles, alternate routes of traversing, and just high skill players that I have to rely on luck when I play. Wouldn't say it's not enjoyable to try, though.
Among Us
I give this a floating, middle of the road 3 stars, in that it depends on who you're playing with. A good friend group with good comms? 4 or maybe even 5 on a good night. Randoms and especially without comms? 1-2 easily.
Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0
If I was rating this as any other COD game it'd probably be somewhere between 3 and 4, honestly, because of were being honest, it's COD. It doesn't change much. It just keeps being itself, which is a good shooter.

The reason I give it 5, however, is freaking DMZ. I can't get enough of that. Some call it Tarkov-lite, which is..... fair. But you know what? I can't invest the time needed to make Tarkov actually enjoyable. Meanwhile, I can be pretty good at DMZ, even as a solo player holding his own in the exclusion zones. The grind associated with a loss in DMZ still equals fun for me, and you can bounce back decently quickly, whereas the grind after a loss in Tarkov means "holy crap, that gear is gonna take forever to replace". I love DMZ 😄
I don't play this at all for the racing. Literally just for the demolition derby stuff, and that part is AMAZING. I literally just want to drive cars in a big mud pit and see how badly they can get torn apart before they're totaled 😂
Vampire Survivors
I play this on my phone with Gamepass, and I've sunk so much time into it. Do I even know what I'm doing most of the time? Not really. Will I pick garlic if given the chance? Most likely.
Left 4 Dead
This was the epitome of zombie horde co-op shooters I'd say, matched only by L4D2. That witch was easily the scariest one of them all and we would regularly go from full sprints to cautiously picking our way around an area just to avoid one of them.
Pokémon Unite
Great game, from what I can tell, a really good implementation of a MOBA, it's just not my style of game to have a lot of staying power in my play rotation. I binged it for a bit and then stopped.
Star Fox 64
It could be nostalgia lenses, but I loved playing this. The multiple routes you could take to the end based on choices you made or how well you did on a mission blew my mind, Andross was a crazy memorable boss fight, and who (from my generation at least) didn't grow up quoting "do a barrel roll!"???
Advance Wars
Such a great turn based strategy game! The art style is fun, and it has an engaging story.
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine
For the Emperor!

Want to feel like a literal one man army? Try this game out. You'll fight wave after wave of Orks, shooting, hacking, slashing, dismembering, and completely obliterating the relentless green tide.

This game does a fantastic job of facing you up against overwhelming numbers of enemies while also keeping you from feeling overwhelmed. Movement in the game feels like you're wearing the massive Astartes power armor, but at the same time you don't feel sluggish (because obviously superhuman space marine). Great balance.

If you want to purge some xenos, this is the game for you (and they've announced Space Marine 2)!
Apex Legends
This is a great BR, probably even worthy of 5 stars. It's just not one I can figure out how to git gud at, though I desperately want to enjoy it enough to invest enough time to justify picking up Revenant (I don't even know if he's good, but he looks freaking awesome). Maybe someday....
Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy
I hate myself for buying it and you should too. Haven't finished it and probably never will but it's a good game to break yourself with. It's not a question of if. It's when.
Golden Sun
I really don't remember much about this, but I *do* remember it was an RPG I was absolutely obsessed with back in the day. Not sure if I ever even finished it, but I've got the ROM on my phone, and whenever I get a chance to play it again, will update this review with more detail!
Fantasy Grounds
Ok so, right up front, I'll clarify: this isn't a game on its own. It's a platform for facilitating tabletop RPG games, so you'll need players, someone comfortable with being the GM, and at least the physical books for whatever you're playing. Where it really shines, though, is when you get the DLC modules for whatever you're planning to play (there's also a generic system in place that you can use for RPGs that don't have official modules, but I haven't done that, and won't be speaking to it in this review).

For things like D&D, Pathfinder/Starfinder, Savage Worlds/Deadlands, Call of Cthulhu, and even some smaller systems like the new Fallout RPG, you can buy the digital versions of the books, which then automatically imports things like the rules, stats, character/NPC options, items, etc. You can then use this application to completely virtually build and run your RPG sessions online, including importing battlemaps and virtual tabletop tokens for setting the scene.

Is it cheap? No, you're basically paying the same price for the virtual versions of the content as you are for the physical books. If you have the books, local players, and no real desire for using tech to supplement your roleplaying nights, you can skip this. If *any* of those criteria don't apply to you, though, it's worth taking a look!

There are also 3 tiers of the program. Ultimate, Standard, and Demo.

The demo version is (as one would guess) free. The only catch is, you can only play in games, not run them, and only in games run by an Ultimate license holder. This is good if you're a perpetual player/never GM, are wanting to just try out the program *or* just don't care about any additional flashy options.

Standard license ($40 I believe) holders have full access to everything in the program, the only limit is you can only run games for Standard or Ultimate license holders. This would be good for someone who plays and/or GMs games, and all the other people they play with own some kind of paid license for it.

Ultimate license (around $140 I believe) holders have no restrictions on who they can play/GM with. This would be perfect for the perma-gamemaster in your life, as it gives them that flexibility to run games for demo players, a no cost way to suck new players into the world of tabletop RPGs.

One more quick note, I don't know if the classic edition is still available for purchase, but Fantasy Grounds *Unity* is the new version with better interfaces and the ability to run online games with a server lobby instead of having to do port forwarding. If the store gives you an option, always go Unity.

Highly, HIGHLY recommended!
Tabletop Simulator
Like tabletop games? Can't always meet up with your friends to play them, or live too far away? Grab Tabletop Simulator! There's a couple dozen or so "official" DLC where games have been licensed and ported into the system, but the best part is the BUSY Steam Workshop community that have created unofficial ports of TONS of tabletop games, RPG miniatures/terrain/tables, and more. You can find anything from UNO to Twilight Imperium here. The learning curve for navigating the virtual tabletop is fairly low, so get into a game, you'll be rolling dice and taking names in no time.

Did I mention it *regularly* goes on 50% sale in the Steam store, and you can even buy 4-packs for cheaper (and those 4-packs also go on 50% sale too)!
Super Mario Bros.
I mean, this is the granddaddy of all Mario games, how can you not rate it highly? It was a good game at the time, is still fun now (I mean, they made a battle royale version of it, similar to Tetris 99, on the Switch. People just love it), and spawned everything Mario today.
Halo Infinite
Halo has so many good memories for me, at least the first three + ODST and Reach. Infinite feels as close to my old memories of Halo as one can get, but they definitely need to really expand the multiplayer aspect a lot, and quickly, if they're going to hold the attention of Halo nostalgic individuals like myself. Not a bad game in any way, but they just need to put a bit more effort and not rely on the low-effort-battlepass trap many games stick with nowadays. (Also, I have to grind WAY too hard to get stuff unlocked. I hate to say it, but they should take notes from the Fortnite BP system. That one is still a grind, but the rate at which I can unlock stuff there keeps that dopamine trigger going just enough to keep me invested)
Rocket League
Can't say I've seen any other games like this one. I absolutely suck at it and can't pull off any fancy maneuvers for the life of me, but I'll go in every once in awhile and pretend to know what I'm doing. I might get the lucky goal here and there, but it's never planned.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
This was my first foray into a Legend of Zelda game, and even though I never finished it (CURSE YOU WATER TEMPLE), it's honestly the first thing that comes to mind when talking LoZ now. Saria's Song, Zelda's Lullaby, Song of Storms, Bolero of Fire.... The songs from this game stick with me even to this day.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
SO many characters. SO many stages. SO many strategies. All of which I suck at. But I'll keep playing it because it's that good.
You will NEVER get the music out of your head. Play it once and you'll be humming the music while packing for vacation 30 years later.
Diddy Kong Racing
I'd say I've actually put more time into this than any Mario Kart. Our s such a good racing game, and it deserves to be brought back, either through the Switch expansions as a port, or a fully realized new version!
The Binding of Isaac
Disturbing..... Bizarre.... Irreverent..... A few of the words I'd use to describe this game. Is that a bad thing? Not at all. I can't say I'm at the level of some of those people who do run after run of it and know what all the different special items do and whatnot, but I'll fire it up here and there for a couple runs, forget about it for about a month, fire it up again for another few runs, rinse repeat. Not my favorite, but still a good rogue-like game.
No Man's Sky
This game is the poster child for comeback stories. The initial launch was SEVERELY overpromised and ridiculously underdelivered. I didn't pick it up until a handful of (free) updates from Hello Games, where they brought it up to what was expected at launch, and since then they've continued releasing TONS of free major updates to the game, going above and beyond what was originally expected.

I feel like it definitely has those who love and those who hate it, and not many who are in between, but I think if more people gave it a chance (it constantly goes on 50% sale, so low barrier of entry) and stopped listening to all the negative hype from those who tried it at launch and never touched it again, the fan base would grow significantly.

It can be super chill, if you just cruise from planet to planet, system to system, exporing peaceful/paradise planets, or it could intense, going to planets with severe weather or picking fights with the robotic sentinels. There are also communities out there that share and compile coordinates that can be entered into the Stargate-style portals to go encounter any number of procedurally generated planets/flora/fauna, or find your dream ship to salvage/purchase.

If you're on the fence about it, I definitely recommend snagging it during a 50% off Steam sale and checking it out for a bit. Tons of fun, a large supportive community, and very open-ended for you to find the playstyle that suits you.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge
This has so much of the old school TMNT arcade feel, it's fantastic! Multiplayer is super easy to do, with a simple process of your friends being able to drop in/out of your game (almost like they walked up to your arcade cabinet and dropped a token in the next stick over), supports up to ***6*** players, and has crossplay (right now only between XBox and PC, but I believe it's supposed to encompass the other platforms, i.e. Playstation and Switch, down the line).

Great implementation and solid nostalgia hit, definitely gonna be one of my top games played for awhile!
Fun sidescrolling adventure game. Gotta love the 8-bit Tarzan yell when swinging on the ropes. The shrinking/growing holes were a pain in the butt, but the alligators were the bane of my existence. If you didn't position perfectly on their heads while jumping across, you'd get munched once they opened their mouths.
I LOVED THIS GAME. I don't even know why. I would sit there as a kid and just do level after level after level. You had a dude on one side of the screen, and the other side was another dude (I believe it could be either another player or against the computer, but I could be wrong, been a couple decades at least since I played 😳). In the middle of the screen it was either empty or there would be random blocking elements. Then you would move around, trying to take cover on your side while also trying to shoot your opponent. You could also slowly chip away at the blocks in the center to get a clearer shot at the other guy (and I think you could ricochet shots off the top and bottom walls?).

Fun game, writing this makes me want to find an old Atari and Outlaw cartridge or grab an emulator ROM of it 😂
This was a good game to pass time, though it definitely wasn't my go-to as a kid. Can't say I knew exactly what I was doing, but young me enjoyed it enough to occasionally pop it in. Those darn ostrich-looking dragons coming and interrupting my maze-traversing fun...
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (2019)
This was a great update to an older game. Unique art style (at least within the realm of Legend of Zelda games) and still keeps that very LoZ feel. Really enjoyed playing through this one.
Escape from Tarkov
Great, if not infuriating, game. This isn't like your CODs or other shooters. You don't get a HUD or map. You just gotta learn landmarks and figure out where you're at. Forget what your teammates look like and haven't been keeping track of them, or bad at moving as a team? Good luck not laying down some very deadly friendly fire. Make sure you're maximizing the tetris game that is your inventory so you've got enough ammo, meds, food/water, and still have space for looting high value stuff in a raid, or you might find yourself outgunned or even going down due to dehydration.

Steep learning curve (I'm still trash at it myself), but the thrill you get from successfully making it through a raid is hard to compare to most other games out there now.
Mario Golf: Super Rush
I'm not a sports game player, and personally can't stand golf in any form but mini. This, however, is so much fun. The creative maps, the abilities, and especially the rush mode where everyone is going all at once. It takes golf and makes it fun 😄
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
I've yet to finish it, but it's so good. Love the open world element to it, and the ability to approach problems in multiple different ways (some may call it cheesing, but I've finished at least one of the shrines where you have to use motion controls to move a ball through a labyrinth by just launching that sucker 😂). There's SO much, you'll definitely get your money's worth from the time you'll sink into BotW.
This game is fantastic. The variety of boons (and combinations of boons) you can get in a run, the different weapons you can use, etc all make it very replayable, and you always feel like you're making progress toward getting better. That, and the music goes hard enough that you don't even really care when you die and have to restart.
Destiny 2
I've dabbled in this a bit. It's not a bad game, honestly, and I'd probably enjoy it/understand it more if I played with a crew of people who've been playing awhile, but jumping in solo, I feel pretty lost. The combat feels good, I just couldn't get into it enough to spend a lot of time figuring it out or to justify paying for any of the content beyond the free base game.
I fought playing this for so long, but I finally gave in with the (permanent?) introduction of no build modes. I can't build, but in the no builds I actually stand a chance! The battle pass system is also really well thought out. Many other games that have gone the battle pass route make it too difficult to unlock anything of significance, too much of a grind before you reach a new level. In Fortnite, I can do a bit of grinding and earn plenty of levels, unlocking a variety of things from the BP (they've got that sweet sweet dopamine trigger on lock).

Had you asked me a couple weeks ago, I probably would've rated it somewhere around 3 stars, but now, I'm a convert.
Bubble Bobble
Easily one of my favorite games on the NES! I have really fond memories playing this as a kid.